Innovating Works



Mercedes Vila Juarez, received her PhD suma cum laude in Materials Physics from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, in 2003 for her work carried out at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (Spanish National Research Council CSIC). After 5 years of international post-doctoral experience on the design of biomaterials for regenerative medicine, funded by the European Commission through Marie Curie actions and National Spanish and Portuguese scientific Programs, she spent 5 years as a researcher in one of the most prominent European groups of Nanomedicine and Regenerative Medicine, at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain).In 2010 she was awarded with the Lóreal-UNESCO Award "For Women in Science" as recognition of her scientific career as young researcher in Bone Regenerative Medicine and in 2012, she was positively evaluated as Distinguished Researcher through the Programme I3 (Incentives for strengthening of research activity of lecturers-researchers with a prestigious research track record, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology).In 2013 she joined University of Aveiro (Portugal) as Principal Investigator of the Nanotechnology research division of TEMA research unit, where she was the coordinator of the research line of Nanomedicine. Her interests were focused on the design and applications of nanoparticles as vectors for imaging and hyperthermia of tumors, the understanding of nanoparticles-cells interactions, and studying the cell growth stimulation by the use of external physical stimuli.-In 2015 she made the transition from academia to industry becoming the Scientific Director of Coating Technologies - CTECHnano. -In February 2017 co-founds the company Biotech Foods SL holding the CTO position and Board Director
80 Trabajos publicados
BIOTECH FOODS No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Biotech Foods SL.
80 Trabajos publicados In-situ carboxylation of graphene by chemical vapor deposition growth for biosensing.
Tecnologías nanomedicine tissue engineering materials science carbon materials thin films
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-8473-0881