Innovating Works

Cristina Postigo

Cristina Postigo

Cristina Postigo, Ph.D., received her BS in Environmental Sciences from Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), and her MSc in Applied Environmental Geosciences from University of Eberhard Karls of Tübingen (Germany). She obtained a Ph.D. in Sciences in the field of environmental analytical chemistry in 2011 from University of Barcelona (Spain). Her Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Analysis of illicit drugs and their metabolites in the aquatic environment and in airborne particles”, was supervised by Prof. Damià Barceló (IDAEA-CSIC and ICRA) and Dr. Miren López de Alda (IDAEA-CSIC) who are outstanding and reputed scientists with significant expertise in the field of environmental analytical chemistry. In 2011, she was awarded with a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) which allowed her to work under the supervision of Dr. Richardson and Dr. Simmons in the field of drinking water disinfection byproducts at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Upon her return, she worked to establish a research line on water disinfection and disinfection byproducts at IDAEA-CSIC. This was supported by the award of the Beatriu de Pinos (Catalan Government) and the ComFuturo (Fundación General del CSIC) grants. In 2022, she will join the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Granada as a Ramon y Cajal researcher. Her work is devoted to protect water quality. To this, she applies advanced analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry to evaluate water treatment techniques of wastewaters, and reduce the formation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water.She is author/co-author of 48 original scientific works and 9 review articles published in international scientific journals included in the ISI, and she has also collaborated in writing 19 book chapters. Her scientific research has been presented in numerous national and international scientific conferences in the field of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Chemistry.
90 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universidad de Granada.
90 Trabajos publicados Prioritization of organic contaminants in a reclaimed water irrigation system using wide-scope LC-HRMS screening.
Tecnologías evironmental analytical chemistry mass spectrometry emerging contaminants
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-7344-7044