

Elena María García Guerra



13 trabajos publicados.
Último trabajo publicado(2019): Des Habsbourg aux Bourbons: les modèles de financement de la dette publique en Espagne de la fin du XVIIe au XVIIIe siècle

Historia Moderna Historia monetaria europea Financiación de la Monarquía Hispánica Historia banca

(Madrid, 1966). Degree in Geography and History (1989) and PhD in Early Modern History (1997) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. My main line of research has been the study of the coinage of fractional coins –or copper coins-, and the coercive alterations of their value that took place in Castilla during the seventeenth century. Very difficult subject to study, it had not received a thorough in-depth treatment by the Spanish historiography. With this hidden tax the Spanish Monarchy wanted to face the pressing need for money caused by its warlike obligations. However, the consequences of these manipulations exceeded the economic scope, therefore, in these years, my work has become known many of the aspects that caused the reiterated use that Felipe III and Felipe IV made of the privilege of coin minting. This practice allowed the mentioned kings to modify the weight, the fineness and the value of the copper pieces at will, at the same time that they kept the characteristics of the silver coins stable. In my research, I have dealt with both theoretical and interpretative problems as well as the complicated quantitative aspect, since I have established the profitable benefits obtained by the Royal Treasury with these manipulations and how they were spent. In this sense, I can affirm that I have been a pioneer in the study of this monetary field, which is having more and more presence in the works of different specialists who try to explain the seventeenth century crisis.The other line of work that I began to develop since 2006 is dedicated to the history of credit in Castile, between 1550 and 1650. These are years of profound changes in the global economic and monetary structures that take place in the middle of the era of discoveries and the incipient European capitalism. Historiographically, from the last two decades of the last century, credit, with all its interconnections, has been emerging as a central category -almost ubiquitous- of the social, economic and political life of early modern Europe. On this basis, my research focuses, on the one hand, on the Castilian banking companies, very forgotten in the studies on finance in the Early Modern Period, and, on the other hand, in the informal credit: by then, the most used way to borrow money.My scientific career began in 1990, when I joined the Spanish National Research to develop my PhD fellowship. Since that year until today, I have been linked to the largest research center in Spain as PhD, contracted I3P, contracted Ramón y Cajal and Tenure Scientist (2006), and this proven track record has been completed with several stays in prestigious foreign institutions since 1993 (such as the Università "Luigi Bocconi" in Milan, the CNRS in Paris, the Sapienza Università di Roma, the Università degli Studi di Milano, the Università degli Studi Roma Tre). Lastly, between 2012 and 2014, I was Head of Studies at the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (CSIC). These stays have allowed me to broaden the methodological perspectives of my research and create a stable network with my foreign colleagues.I am the author of 63 publications distributed among monographs, articles from scientific journals and book chapters (1989-2020). I have participated in 55 national conferences in Spain and abroad (1989-2020). I have been a teacher in 18 teaching seminars (1996-2017). I have organized and directed 13 international seminars and congresses (2006-2017).Three six-years terms awarded from the Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: 1998-2007, 2008-2013 and 2014-2019.Four five-years terms awarded from the Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: 2001- 2005, 2006-2010 and 2011 a 2015. Request for 2014-2019 (pending).Secretary (2015-2019) and Assistant Editor (2019-) of journal Hispania, edited by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Research Project Evaluator of the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP): 2007, 2014 and 2021.Skills Language: Italian (C2), French (C1), English (B1). Levels with supporting diplomas.