Innovating Works

Andres Alastuey

Andres Alastuey

Bachelor in Geology from the University of Zaragoza (1989) and Doctor in Geology from the University of Barcelona (1994), I am currently a Research Professor at IDAEA –CSIC. I was Deputy Director of IDAEA from 2012 until May 2018. I have more than 25 years of experience on environmental geochemistry, namely on atmospheric pollution. My research career has been developed on the lines of environmental geochemistry and natural resources and recycling of industrial waste. In recent years, it has focused on the geochemistry of atmospheric aerosols, aerosols in urban, regional and remote environments, because of its impact on air quality, human and health radiative balance. In 1994 I started my research in this line of work during my postdoctoral stay at the Laboratory of Stable Isotopes (NIGL-NERC, Keyworth, UK), where I applied isotopic techniques for the study of atmospheric samples. Currently, I am Research Professor in the Environmental Geochemistry and Atmospheric Research group (EGAR,, from IDAEA. EGAR, consisting of some 30 people, including technicians and researchers, is a reference internationally in the application of geochemical methods to the characterization of atmospheric particulate material (MPA). We have developed an analytical methodology that allows the total characterization of atmospheric aerosols, and that allows to make models for identification of sources and the study of physical-chemical reactions between pollutants.I acted as advisor for air quality of several important city councils, regional governments, the Spanish Ministry of Environment. I actively participate at the EMEP (program for monitoring and evaluation of the long range transmission of air pollutants in Europe) Task Force on Measurements and Modelling.I have participated/coordinated around 50 research projects sponsored by the EU, other Spanish or international research bodies, the Ministry of the Environment and other private companies. The results obtained in the framework of these projects have been published in more than 300 scientific publications and in a large number of presentations at congresses and meetings, including more than 60 invited conferences (more than 20 as a speaker).I am the scientist responsible of the EGAR network of stations measuring atmospheric aerosols, composed of urban background stations (Barcelona), regional background (Montseny) and remote background (Montsec). I led de participation of IDAEA CSIC in the ACTRIS RI (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure) network).
471 Trabajos publicados
CONSEJO No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
471 Trabajos publicados Black Carbon source apportionment using time-dependent Absorption Angstrom Exponent (AAE).
Tecnologías Air Quality Atmospheric Aerosols Particulate Matter Geochemistry
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-5453-5495