Innovating Works

Josep Manuel Berenguer Alarcón

Josep Manuel Berenguer Alarcón

José Manuel Berenguer Barcelona, 1955José Manuel Berenguer is coordinator and professor of Psychoacoustics and Experimental Music of the Master in Sound Art of the University of Barcelona and director of Orquestra del Caos at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. He has been a sound consultant in multimedia systems at the GMMD-Open University of Catalonia and Digital Sound at ESDI-Universitat Ramon Llull. He has also collaborated with other universities and artistic research institutions such as Metrònom, MECAD, IUA-Pompeu Fabra University, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Autonomous University of Barcelona and Elisava. Inter-media artist, founder of Côclea with Clara Garí - where he directed the Music Festival for more than a decade - and also of Orquestra del Caos, collaborator of the Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (France), was the designer and the first person in charge from the Sound and Music Laboratory of the CIEJ of the Fundació la Caixa de Pensions, as well as Professor of Electroacoustic Music at the Conservatory of Bourges (France). Former President of the Electroacoustic Music Association of Spain, he is currently President of Honour of the International Conference of Electroacoustic Music of the CIM / UNESCO, President of Quantum Art Lab, Vice President of Fundació d'Artistes Visuals de Catalunya, member of the Académie Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique / Bourges, of the Academy of the National Council of Music of the CIM / UNESCO and of the Board of Trustees of the Phonos Foundation.His musical work, published in Música Secreta, Hyades Arts, Chrysope Electronique, Côclea, Ma de Guido and World Edition, has been the subject of commissions and distinctions of institutions such as the Internationale Ferienkurse of Darmstadt (Germany), Gaudemus Foundation (Holland), Prix de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (France), Concorso di Musica Elettronica of the Fondazione Russolo-Pratella (Varèse, Italy), International Tribune of Electroacoustic Music of the CIM / UNESCO, Center for the Diffusion of Contemporary Music. INAEM Ministeri de Cultura, Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, RNE Radio Cálsica, Electroacoustic Music Office of Cuenca, Festival of Contemporary Music of Barcelona, ​​among others. With Clara Garí, in addition to the intermediary shows presented by Côclea, he created and produced interactive installations -Metronomía or Policrònic / Politòpic, with Côclea, and El Pati respira I canta, with the Orquestra del Caos, are some examples- and various videos, such as Aigua, Augia, Augen or Mancha: Linde, Tajo. The latter won the Video Award of Castilla-La Mancha. Among the numerous collaborations with other authors, it is worth mentioning the soundtrack of Clara Garí's video, La Muda de la Serpiente and videos by Joan Pueyo, such as Maria Muñoz, Sóc Jo, L'immortal, et si la pièce est trop courte, on and rajoutera un rêve, by Lluís Ayet, etc ...In recent years, his work has focused on installation and, despite his doubts about the suitability of these terms, real time and interactivity. The themes developed include issues related to the philosophy and history of science, the limits of language, ethics, life and artificial intelligence, robotics, the metabolism of information, as well as the very limits of understanding and human perception of the world. His most recent works in this field include installations and monographic concerts such as Silenci, Tránsito, Casa de la Pólvora, Mega kai Mikron, Minf and On Nothing. Luci, who explores the complex behaviors arising from additions of simple elements, won the ARCO-Beep Electronic Art Award in February 2008. Currently working on lambda / itter, with flutist Jane Rigler, an audiovisual performance that takes the ideas of flow and turbulence to reflect on the musical gesture, Desde Dentro, a concert for microscope, electric guitar, sound and electronic generation images, Expanded Piano, a duo concert with the pianist Agustí Fernández, for piano processed by electronic devices, Sounds in Cause, a global creation project based on the sound landscape and promoted by the Orchestra del Caos. Expanded Voice, a performance for solo of voice, sound and electronic images and Desde Dentro, an audiovisual installation, are works based on the texts of the Walter Benjamin's Book of Passages. His installation @BienenVolk receives information on the behavior of bees in a beehive installed in the Museum of Zoology in Barcelona and sends them to a sound space delimited by 16 loudspeakers anywhere in the world. Its premiere was at the Akademie der Künste · Berlin on September 30, 2017 with a live concert entitled Bienen.
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Universidad University of Barcelona.
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Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-4094-2065