Innovating Works

Rafael Micó Pérez

Rafael Micó Pérez

My recent contributions are related to the knowledge of Late Prehistory societies in the Western Mediterranean basin byapplying innovative theoretical approaches and interdisciplinary methods on key archaeological sites. The main effortshave focused on the Early Bronze Age in Southeast Iberia (El Argar, 2200-1550 cal BCE), and on the I millennium calBCE in Mallorca. The research has been funded by R+D projects and knowledge-transfer contracts and include theexcavation of paramount sites (La Bastida, La Almoloya, Son Fornés), interdisciplinary scientific analyses andknowledge transfer. The main results have been published in high-impact journals and reviewed book chapters. The most relevant achievements are as follows. 1. Human genealogies and demographic dynamics from the Late Chalcolithic to the Middle Bronze Age inIberia, specially in the Southeast. We have confirmed the arrival and male hegemony of 'steppe ancestry' and, also,an unknown component of Mediterranean origin. This approach has combined archaeogenetics and radiocarbonanalysis.2. Prehistoric kinship. Archaeogenetic research on the skeletal sample of the paramount sites of La Almoloya and LaBastida points to patrilocal and patrilineal kinship rules. The combination of genetic, funerary, chronological and spatialdata is unparallelled in Late Prehistoric Europe.3. Social inequalities and gender. Comprehensive research on the funerary record of La Almoloya has revealed thecomplex relation between social inequality and gender roles. Some women buried with lavish offerings under publicbuildings suggest they had high political offices in the context of a patrilineal society.4. Violence, gender and politics. The outstanding fortification system of La Bastida and the use of specialisedweapons suggest the rise of militarised violence in the Western Mediterranean. This phenomenon was coupled with thedevelopment of power inequalities and the male hegemony in the exercise of physical violence.
219 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
219 Trabajos publicados Rituelle Gewalt - Rituale der Gewalt/ Ritual Violence - Rituals of Violence (Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 22).
Tecnologías Este investigador todavia no tiene tecnologías de sus trabajos
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-2957-3182