Innovating Works

Antonio Quirós Fons

Antonio Quirós Fons

Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the European University of Valencia. Director of the PhD Program in Socio-educational Innovation. PhD in Law. Doctor in Canon Law. He has extensive teaching experience in the area of International Relations (Public International Law, International Terrorism, International Projects, Environmental Impact, Foreign Image and Public Diplomacy, Religious Forces, Current Affairs Observatory). Teaching experience in other areas: Immigration, Professional Ethics and Canonical Marriage Law. Author of three monographs and many studies, some published in English and Croatian, on the rights of foreigners, family reunification, religious freedom, matrimonial law, international agreements with the Holy See, Croatia, conscientious objection, artificial intelligence and innovation educational. He has participated as a speaker in many international conferences. He leads a research group on educational innovation. He leads and participates in various research and innovation projects (event engagement, diplomatic simulations, movies and series, storytelling, AI image generators). He has participated in research projects on the social integration of immigrants, religious freedom and business culture. With a recognized six-year research period, he is a member of AEPDIRI, ESIL, ÁgoraUE and the Learning Research Network. Certified higher level of English, Croatian, Italian, French and Valencian. Basic level of German and Latin. Professional experience as general research coordinator at the University, project evaluator in the inter-university Ethics Committee, director of rural development projects, professional training professor, legal linguist and legal adviser to non-profit entities.
64 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universidad Europea de Valencia.
64 Trabajos publicados Herramientas de digitalización para las simulaciones diplomáticas.
Tecnologías International Biolaw Religious freedom MUN
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-1272-8635