Innovating Works

Marc Parés

Marc Parés

Marc Parés is a geographer and political scientist leading the Research Group on Urban Governance, Commons, Internet and Social Innovation at the Institute for Government and Public Policies (IGOP) – Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). He also teaches as Associate Professor at the Geography Department.From 2014 to 2016 he had a Marie Curie Fellowship, being Visiting Scholar at the NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service (USA) and the KU Leuven Planning and Development Unit (Belgium). He has also been a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Environment and Development at the University of Manchester (UK). He has a Ph.D., a MSc and a BSc in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a BA in Political Sciences from the same university.His research has been focused on the fields of Urban Governance, Citizen Participation, Urban Political Ecology, Environmental Management and Social Innovation. He has published in journals like Urban Studies, Urban Affairs Review, European Planning Studies, Journal of Urban Affairs or the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. In 2009 he edited the book ‘Participation and Democratic Quality: assessing new forms of participatory democracy’, published by Ariel. He is co-author of the book “Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership: Communities and Social Change from Below”, recently published by Edward Elgar Publishing.
27 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Departament de Geografia.
27 Trabajos publicados Socially innovative housing activism: local context and collective leadership practices in Barcelona and New York City.
Tecnologías urban governance social innovation citizen participation water governance commons
urban political ecology collective leadership
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-0487-5264