Innovating Works

Juan Alberto Corbera

Juan Alberto Corbera

Education: Degree in Veterinary Medicine (ULPGC, 1995), PhD from the ULPGC (2000). Honourable mention in Doctorate Awards 2003, ULPGC. University Expert in University Management (ULPGC, 2006). Postdoctoral training at Veterinary Teaching Hospital University of California, Davis, USA in 2001 and Small Animal Teaching Hospital - SATH, Neston, Chershire, UK in 2016. Teaching Experience: Part-time Associate Professor (1997-1999), Full-time Associate Professor (1999-2005), Tenured Professor (2005-present). Teaching in Physiopathology, Propaedeutics and Internal Medicine in the Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Master's Degree in Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Therapeutic Research and Doctorate in Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Therapeutic Research. Lecturer in 6 university extension courses (ULPGC). Coordinator of the Educational Innovation Group for 12 years (GIE-23 with mention of excellence). 5 educational innovation projects (2 as PI).Professional experience: Clinical veterinary practitioner (1995-present). Head of the Small Animal Neurology Service of the HCV of the ULPGC from 2007 to present.Management experience: Director of Human Resources for Research at the ULPGC (Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer from 19 March 2021 to present). Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ULPGC from 17 March 2015 to 15 March 2020. Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ULPGC from July 2004 to 17 March 2015. Vice-Dean of Quality Assurance Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ULPGC from 1 November 2008 until 30 June 2009 and from 3 May 2010 until 4 July 2012. Secretary of the Official College of Veterinarians of Las Palmas from 20 December 2001 to 17 December 2013. Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine from 7 November 2003 to October 2008. Secretary and Treasurer of the Ilustre Consejo Regional de Colegios Veterinarios de Canarias from 20 December 2003 to 17 December 2013. Lecturer claustral from 2007 to the present.Experience in international evaluation: Expert 'Clinical Sciences-Companion Animals' of the European Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (EAEVE) for the evaluation system of Veterinary Faculties in Europe since April 2017. Member of Expert Visiting Team for: Karditsa (Greece) 2017, Kayseri (Turkey) 2018, Yamaguchi & Kagoshima (Japan) 2019, Toulouse (France) 2020, Camerino (Italy) 2021 (Chair-person), Ljubljana (Slovenia) 2021 (Chair-person), Kayseri (Turkey) 2021 (Chair-person), Messina (Italia) 2023 (Chair-person).
196 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
196 Trabajos publicados Cross-Sectional Anatomy and Computed Tomography of the Coelomic Cavity in Juvenile Atlantic Puffins (Aves, Alcidae, Fratercula arctica).
Tecnologías Trypanosoma Veterinary Neurology Dirofilaria Congenital abnormalities Computed tomography
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0001-7812-2065