
Jaime Pérez



5 trabajos publicados.
Último trabajo publicado(2022-04-29): Data augmentation through multivariate scenario forecasting in Data Centers using Generative Adversarial Networks

Artificial Intelligence Serious Games Computational Social Science Synthetic Data Machine Learning
Deep Learning

Graduated in "Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering" major in Electronic Systems (2013-2018) by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). He has also completed the "Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering" major in Machine Learning and Multimedia Data Science (2018-2020), imparted at the ETSIT, UPM. During the Master program (2018-2020) he worked as a researcher in the Laboratory of Integrated Systems, Department of Electronic Engineering, ETSIT, UPM, researching about energy optimization in data center facilities using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in "Engineering Systems Modeling" at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, working in the field of Serious Games within the framework of the EU H2020 project RAYUELA. His areas of interest are Artificial Intelligence, Serious Games, Computational Social Science, and Synthetic Data.