Innovating Works
REWAISE: REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy FCC AQUALIA SA - AQUALIA GESTION INTEGRAL DEL AGUA tramitó un H2020: REWAISE will create a new smart water ecosystem, mobilising all relevant stakeholders to make society embrace the true value of water, reducing freshwater and energy use, resulting in a carbon free, s...
2020-09-01 | Financiado
HOUSEFUL: Innovative circular solutions and services for new business opportunities in the EU housing sector ACONDICIONAMIENTO TARRASENSE - LEITAT tramitó un H2020: The housing sector is a major contributor to current global problems of resource depletion and climate change, representing one of the most important consuming sectors at EU level: 50% of all extracte...
2018-05-01 | Financiado
RUN4LIFE: RECOVERY AND UTILIZATION OF NUTRIENTS 4 LOW IMPACT FERTILIZER FCC AQUALIA SA - AQUALIA GESTION INTEGRAL DEL AGUA tramitó un H2020: Domestic wastewater (WW) is an important carrier of nutrients usually wasted away by current decentralised WW treatments (WWT). Run4Life proposes an alternative strategy for improving nutrient recover...
2017-06-01 | Financiado
AfriAlliance: Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate STICHTING IHE DELFT INSTITUTE FOR WATER EDUCATION tramitó un H2020: The main objective of AfriAlliance is for African and European stakeholders to work together in the areas of water innovation, research, policy, and capacity development to prepare Africa for future C...
2016-03-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.