Innovating Works


Mostrando 1 al 20 de 2099 resultados
REWCHEM: Recycling Electronic Waste to Catalyse H2 Production and CO2 Reduction Using Recovered Metals: A Step towards Circular Economy Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: This proposal combines physical science research with metallurgical process design and engineering to promote positive change in the electronic waste (e-waste) industries and create economic and socie...
2024-05-17 | Financiado
BioCP-3DInk: """BioCP-3DInk: Advancing Biocompatible 3D Printing Inks for Next-Generation Applications""" Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The BioCP-3DInk project aspires to bolster the European Research Area (ERA) by creating an innovative breed of conductive ink. This biodegradable, biocompatible, and entirely organic ink uniquely boas...
2024-05-14 | Financiado
NoShortProof: Nonexistence of Short Proofs KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Efficient algorithms are vital for dealing with the ever growing amounts of data in our modern world. A particularly tricky task is posed by so-called combinatorial problems, where objects need to be...
2024-03-07 | Financiado
LEKPV: Revolutionizing Indoor Energy: The Emergence of Low-Cost Eco-Friendly, High-Efficiency Kesterite Solar Cells Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Indoor Indoor photovoltaic (IPV) cells have the potential to power distributed and remote sensors, actuators, and communication devices enabling the widespread implementation of Internet of Things. Co...
2024-03-05 | Financiado
GAUSSIAN: Galileo AUthentication and GNSS/INS platforms for Secure and Safe services In Air Navigation and mobility CIVITANAVI SYSTEMS SPA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: In recent years, there has been a vibrating interest in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) with attention on advancements in batteries, distributed electric propulsion, and all technologies that are leading to...
2023-12-05 | Financiado
CRYSALIS: Cryogenic storage and refuelling in space ABSOLUT SYSTEM SAS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: To move away from the dependence on hydrazine for space propulsion, greener alternatives must be sought. Cryogenic propellant combinations such as oxygen / methane offer higher specific impulses than...
2023-11-21 | Financiado
DISPEC: SCIENTIFIC EXPLOITATION OF SPACE DATA FOR IMPROVED IONOSPHERIC SPECIFICATION NATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF ATHENS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: DISPEC project aims at the exploitation of bottomside and topside ionospheric data, provided by space missions – such as Swarm, DORIS, GRACE, GRACE-FO, Spire, COSMIC-2– and by ground-based GNSS receiv...
2023-11-16 | Financiado
Inter-oPEn: Interoperability of the Power Electronics dominated grid by openness RHEINISCHWESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Power electronic (PE) devices are a key enabler for integrating renewable energy into our power system. However, to achieve interoperability of PE devices, barriers are present in technology but also...
2023-11-10 | Financiado
AI-DAPT: AI-Ops Framework for Automated, Intelligent and Reliable Data/AI Pipelines Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop and Coupling of Hybrid Science-Guided and AI Models ATHINAEREVNITIKO KENTRO KAINOTOMIAS STIS TECHNOLOGIES TIS PLIROFORIAS TON EPIKOINONION KAI TIS GNOSIS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: AI-DAPT brings forward a data-centric mentality in AI, that is effectively fused with a model-centric, science-guided approach, across the complete lifecycle of AI-Ops, by introducing end-to-end autom...
2023-10-23 | Financiado
NANO-PROTECT: Antimicrobial nano-coatings for hospital textiles to prevent the spread of healthcare associated infections Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The main objective of NANO-PROTECT is to develop innovative antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-biofilm (4A) nano-enabled coatings for medical textiles, upholstery fabrics, and personal pro...
2023-07-14 | Financiado
AIM-NEXT: Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT) Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The AIM-NEXT project arises from the common need of European academy and industry to educate and train the next generation of experts in the field of Sustainable design of material solutions for engin...
2023-06-28 | Financiado
EXACT-6G: EXplainable Automation for Continuum 6G infrastructures ATHINAEREVNITIKO KENTRO KAINOTOMIAS STIS TECHNOLOGIES TIS PLIROFORIAS TON EPIKOINONION KAI TIS GNOSIS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: G is envisioned to foster an Industry revolution and digital transformation and will accelerate the building of smart societies leading to quality of life improvements, providing truly immersive AR/MR...
2023-06-27 | Financiado
EarthSafe: Unveiling Earth’s Critical Resources for Clean Energy and a Sustainable Future UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The coming decade will be a defining test for humanity and its capacity to respond to unprecedented global challenges. To meet the demands from the energy transition and related green technologies, th...
2023-06-22 | Financiado
SIGN-AIR: implemented SynergIes, data sharing contracts and Goals between transport modes and AIR tansportation Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: SIGN-AIR will develop and pilot a new platform for an orchestrated sharing of data in multimodal traveling. The platform will provide the means for Transport Service Providers (TSPs) to register, reac...
2023-06-11 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.