Innovating Works


Mostrando 1 al 20 de 930 resultados
Waste4Bio: Waste4Bio: Advancing Food Waste Utilization Through Multiplatform Biorefinery UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Food waste (FW) is a significant global issue, with around one-third of all food produced wasted annually. FW biorefineries constitutes a green route to valorise the enormous untapped potential of FW...
2024-05-14 | Financiado
HALO: EXPLORING NOVEL HALO-PHOTOAUTOTROPHS FOR A CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY VIA TRANSFORMATION OF SYNGAS INTO MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The European Union has clear targets in place to maintain an average global temperature 2˚ below pre-industrial levels, as shown by the Green Deal, Circular economy action plan, and Bioeconomy strateg...
2024-05-08 | Financiado
NANOBOOSTER: Boosting photosynthetic activity via nanoparticle addition for biogas upgrading coupled with pigments production UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The urgent need to reach EU independence from fossil fuel imports, decarbonization and circular economy encourages the development of sustainable technologies for the production of biofuels and high a...
2024-04-11 | Financiado
ProINK4D: ProINK4D: Engineering Dynamic Protein Hydrogels for 4D Bioprinting of Advanced Tissue Constructs UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The ProINK4D project embarks on a transformative journey to pioneer the development of next-generation protein-engineered biomaterials for 4D bioprinting of dynamic tissue constructs. Inspired by the...
2024-04-08 | Financiado
CIRAWA: Agro-ecological strategies for resilient farming in West Africa FUNDACION CARTIF tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Agriculture is one of the key focus areas of the partnership between the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU), with the EU’s focus being on facilitating a green transition according to its G...
2022-11-09 | Financiado
PhyToVALUE: Phytoplankton Towards Valorization of Ammonia-containing Liquid for Upgraded Economy UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Unicellular small plants, microalgae and cyanobacteria, have a great potential to valorize wastewater by producing high-value biomaterials using the contained nutrients. However, a high concentration...
2022-07-29 | Financiado
ActaReBuild: Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Office Building Stock in EU KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The objective of ActaReBuild is to provide high-level training of Doctoral Candidates in retrofit of office building stock in Europe by means a new generation of sustainable materials and building com...
2022-07-15 | Financiado
BiOBreW: Biological Upgrading of Brewer Spent Grain into high added value products UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is an agro-industrial by-product produced from breweries (~20 kg BSG/hlbeer). Its annual global production is estimated to be 39 million tons, with 3.4 million tons produced...
2022-07-12 | Financiado
SIGSbyBEVs: Spray-induced gene silencing using bacterial extracellular vesicles for dsRNA delivery to manage fungal diseases in agricultural and forest systems UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Fungal plant diseases are responsible for yield and quality losses in agroecosystems, and also threaten the sustainability of forest ecosystems worldwide. The management of fungal diseases in agroecos...
2022-07-05 | Financiado
POLYMATOS: Innovative polymers from tomato cutin esters monomers UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The production of cutin-based polymers is currently made from acid monomers that result in conventional plastics. These cutin-based plastics do not have the 3D structure of the natural cutin, limiting...
2022-07-05 | Financiado
Mem4BIOCH4: Implementation of novel ultrapermeable membranes for biomethane production UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Biogas from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste and wastewater is regarded as one of the most promising renewable energy vectors to partially address the current global environmental and energy c...
2022-07-04 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.