Innovating Works
OPTIMAI: Optimizing Manufacturing Processes through Artificial Intelligence and Virtualization ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS tramitó un H2020: There is a common saying in industry, and more generally in engineering fast, cheap, reliable, choose two out of three. This saying captures the trade-off between resources, production time, quality a...
2021-01-01 | Financiado
XMANAI: Explainable Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence TXT ESOLUTIONS SPA tramitó un H2020: Despite the indisputable benefits of AI, humans typically have little visibility and knowledge on how AI systems make any decisions or predictions due to the so-called black-box effect in which many o...
2020-11-01 | Financiado
QU4LITY: Digital Reality in Zero Defect Manufacturing ATOS SPAIN SA tramitó un H2020: QU4LITY will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way an open, certifiable and highly standardised, SME-friendly and transformative shared data-driven ZDM product and service model...
2019-01-01 | Financiado
ADALAM: Sensor based adaptive laser micromachining using ultrashort pulse lasers for zero-failure manufacturing UNIMETRIK tramitó un H2020: Miniaturization, advanced high performance materials and functional surface structures are all drivers behind key enabling technologies in high added value production. It is in such areas that ultrash...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
FORTISSIMO: Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH tramitó un FP7: The importance of advanced simulation to the competitiveness of both large and small companies is well established. The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particula...
2013-07-01 | Financiado
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