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UMWELTBUNDESAMT no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

PROMISCES: Preventing Recalcitrant Organic Mobile Industrial chemicalS for Circular Economy in the Soil-sediment-water system

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: PROMISCES will identify how industrial pollution prevents the deployment of the circular economy (CE) in the EU and which strategies help overcome key bottlenecks to deliver the ambitions of the Europ...
2021-11-01 | Financiado

ZeroPM: ZeroPM: Zero pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: ZeroPM will interlink and synergize prevention, prioritization and removal strategies to protect the environment and human health from persistent, mobile (PM) substances. To do this, ZeroPM will estab...
2021-10-01 | Financiado

POLYRISK: POLYRISK - Understanding human exposure and health hazard of micro- and nanoplastic contaminants in our environment

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: The POLYRISK project aims unraveling the risks of microplastic and nanoplastic particles (MNP) that are ubiquitous in our environment and are likely to be entering the human body via inhalation and in...
2021-04-01 | Financiado

AQUACOSM-plus: Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: AQUACOSM-plus advances European mesocosm-based aquatic RI by integrating the leading mesocosm infrastructures into a coherent, interdisciplinary, and interoperable network covering all ecoregions of E...
2020-04-01 | Financiado

ERGO: Breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters: EndocRine Guideline Optimisation

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: ERGO presents a new approach that will support a paradigm shift in the regulatory use of standardized test guidelines (TGs) by breaking the existing wall between mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrate...
2019-01-01 | Financiado

ACT: Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: ACT will enable better access, sharing, and improvement of gender equality knowledge by advancing Communities of Practice (CoP) as agents for implementing gender equality actions among RPOs and RFOs i...
2018-05-01 | Financiado

VERIFY: Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: As the negative impacts of rising global temperatures become increasingly evident, national governments, regional authorities and private stakeholders are enhancing efforts to curve down the emissions...
2018-02-01 | Financiado

MEMO2: MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: Mitigation of climate change is a key scientific and societal challenge and also a headline target of the EU2020 strategy. Strong reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to reach the glob...
2017-03-01 | Financiado

HBM4EU: European Human Biomonitoring Initiative

UMWELTBUNDESAMT tramitó un H2020: The overarching goal of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is to generate knowledge to inform the safe management of chemicals and so protect human health. We will use human biomonit...
2017-01-01 | Financiado

AQUACOSM: Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially whe...
2017-01-01 | Financiado

SuperSmart: Expertise hub for a market uptake of energy-efficient supermarkets by awareness raising, knowledge transfer and pre-preparation of an EU Ecolabel

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: Supermarkets comprise various technical disciplines: buildings, heating-, cooling- and ventilations systems. Over one million supermarkets across Europe require ca. 4% of the total electricity. New in...
2016-02-01 | Financiado

SYSTEM-RISK: A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: Flood risk systems are characterised by physical and socio-economic processes acting at different space-time scales, by non-stationary and non-linear behaviour, and by a significant degree of interdep...
2016-01-01 | Financiado

POWERSTEP: Full scale demonstration of energy positive sewage treatment plant concepts towards market penetration

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: The municipal wastewater in Europe contains a potential chemical energy of 87,500 GWh per year in its organic fraction, which is equivalent to the output of 12 large power stations. Due to the current...
2015-07-01 | Financiado

INSPIRATION: INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION

UMWELTBUNDESAMT tramitó un H2020: The aim of INSPIRATION is to adopt a funder and end-user demand-driven approach to establish and promote the adoption of the knowledge creation, transfer and implementation agenda for land use, land-u...
2015-03-01 | Financiado

PROSAFE: Promoting the Implementation of Safe by Design

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un H2020: The CSA links different initiatives and facilitates the integration of results from these initiatives, so that a maximum use of these results can benefit the regulatory process. The CSA is designed to...
2015-02-01 | Financiado

IPIE: Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceutical in the Environment

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un FP6: Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can be released to the natural environment during the manufacturing process, following use by patients or when unused medicines are disposed of. As APIs are bi...
2015-01-01 | Financiado

APPRAISAL: Air Pollution Policies foR Assesement of Integrated Strategies At regional and Local scales

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un FP7: Air quality in Europe is still facing a continued wide-spread of exceedances, particularly regarding PM, NOx and O3. The 2008 Air Quality Directive requests Member States (MS) to design local and regi...
2012-06-01 | Financiado

VISION RD4SD: Producing a shared vision on how to harness Research & Development for Sustainable Development

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un FP7: The main objective of VISION RD4SD is to ensure that Europe is able to contribute to a Sustainable Development of the world by formulating policies and decisions based on robust, up to date knowledge...
2010-12-01 | Financiado

COPHES: European coordination action on human biomonitoring

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un FP7: This proposal has been elaborated by a consortium of 35 partners coming from 27 European countries and including scientists, government institutions and authorities, NGOs and industry. The main goal i...
2009-12-01 | Financiado

ENNAH: European Network on Noise And Health

UMWELTBUNDESAMT participó en un FP7: This proposal puts forward plans to establish a research network of experts on noise and health in Europe. This network will establish future research directions and policy needs in Europe. The networ...
2009-09-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.

UMWELTBUNDESAMT no tiene proyectos rechazados.