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TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

ENIW: Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 SME Instrument and for the improvement of innovation management in SMEs, with the purpose of more companies with growth potential achieving glo...
2020-01-01 | Financiado

SMEmPower Efficiency: A holistic framework for Empowering SMEs capacity to increase their energy efficiency

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: The objective of the project is to Empower SMEs to undergo energy audits and implement their proposals. A holistic methodology has been chosen to address different barriers based on three dimensions,...
2019-09-01 | Financiado

REACT: Renewable Energy for self-sustAinable island CommuniTies

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: REACT will demonstrate the potential of large-scale deployment of RES and storage assets on geographical islands to bring economic benefits, contribute to the decarbonisation of local energy systems,...
2019-01-01 | Financiado

SocketSense: Advanced sensor-based design and development of wearable prosthetic socket for amputees

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: Limb amputations cause serious physical disabilities that compromise the quality of life of many people around the globe. There are 40 million amputees in the world with an estimated 2.4 million in th...
2019-01-01 | Financiado

ENIW: Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 SME Instrument and for the improvement of innovation managementin SMEs, with the purpose of more companies with growth potential achieving glob...
2019-01-01 | Financiado

eDREAM: eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: Smart automated Demand Response (DR) represents a valid alternative to grid reinforement for electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to procure in a cost-effective way the necessary flexibili...
2018-01-01 | Financiado

AiPBAND: An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: The mission of AiPBAND is to train a new generation of entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers (ESRs) in the early diagnosis of brain tumours using molecular biomarkers in the blood, me...
2018-01-01 | Financiado

DARE: Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: DARE aims to significantly increase understanding of why and how young people become radicalised and our capacity to effectively counter radicalisation. It does this through integrating research, poli...
2017-05-01 | Financiado

inteGRIDy: integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: InteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and d...
2017-01-01 | Financiado

ENIW: Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 SME Instrument and for the improvement of innovation management in SMEs, with the purpose of more companies with growth potential achieving glo...
2017-01-01 | Financiado

DR-BOB: Demand Response in Block of Buildings

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY tramitó un H2020: The aim of the DR-BOB project is to demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of demand response in blocks of buildings for the different key actors required to bring it to market. To achie...
2016-03-01 | Financiado

GateOne: GateOne - Innovation Service for European Smartization by SMEs

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: GateOne’s mission is to accelerate smart systems adoption by European SMEs in facilitating their access to advanced technologies for the development of innovative and smart solutions. GateOne offers I...
2015-01-01 | Financiado

ENIW: Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales 2015 -2016

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un H2020: A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 sme instrument and for the enhancement of innovation management in SMEsInnovation is a vital ingredient of growth and an important element of t...
2015-01-01 | Financiado


TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY tramitó un H2020: Key account management for Instruments seeking to enhance innovation management capacities in the North East of England
2014-07-01 | Financiado

CE-MICROARRAY: Cavity Enhanced Microarray as an Ultra-sensitive Tool to aid Sepsis Diagnosis

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY tramitó un FP7: Sepsis is a life-threatening illness caused by the body’s overreaction to an infection and can be triggered either directly by infection or may occur after medical treatment or surgery.The mortality r...
2014-02-01 | Financiado

PYROCHAR: PYROlysis based process to convert small WWTP sewage sludge into useful bioCHAR

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un FP7: The PYROCHAR project brings together five SMEs and three research institutions to address the increasingly pressing issue of sewage sludge disposal in Europe. PYROCHAR will provide small municipalitie...
2013-11-01 | Financiado

IDEAS: Intelligent NeighbourhooD Energy Allocation & Supervision

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY tramitó un FP7: IDEAS aims to illustrate how communities, public authorities and utility companies across the EU can be engaged in the development and operation of energy positive neighbourhoods and the economic and...
2012-11-01 | Financiado

MUSE: Machine Understanding for interactive StorytElling

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un FP7: The MUSE project will introduce a new way of exploring and understanding information by bringing text to life through 3D interactive storytelling. Taking as input natural language text like childrens...
2012-09-01 | Financiado

SEMANCO: Semantic Tools for Carbon Reduction in Urban Planning

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY participó en un FP7: While many cities in Europe and in the world have issued climate change policies and set targets for reduction of CO2 emissions, their implementation in urban planning practice remains a major challen...
2011-09-01 | Financiado

INFULOC: Integrated and functional Lab-on-Chip

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY tramitó un FP7: The objective of this project is to create Lab-on-chip devices that allow sensitive analyte detection as well being highly integrated and have high functionality. The project will develop lab-on-chip...
2009-03-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.

TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY no tiene proyectos rechazados.