Innovating Works
ZDMP: Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform UNINOVAINSTITUTO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE NOVAS TECNOLOGIASASSOCIACAO tramitó un H2020: Smart, SME Friendly, open, Zero-Defect Manufacturing Reference Platform, Apps, SDK, and Marketplace for Product and Process Quality in any factory for achieving excellence in European and Global Manuf...
2019-01-01 | Financiado
COMPRISE: Cost-effective, Multilingual, Privacy-driven voice-enabled Services INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE ENINFORMATIQUE ET AUTOMATIQUE tramitó un H2020: Besides visual and tactile, the Next Generation Internet will rely more and more on voice interaction. This technology requires huge amounts of speech and language data in every language to reach stat...
2018-12-01 | Financiado
EuDEco: Modelling the European data economy FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. tramitó un H2020: The Modelling the European Data Economy (EuDEco) project will assist European sci-ence and industry in understanding and exploiting the potentials of data reuse in the context of Big and Open Data big...
2015-02-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.