Innovating Works
CO-CAPTAIN: CANCER PREVENTION AMONG INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILL-HEALTH: CO-ADAPTING AND IMPLEMENTING PATIENT NAVIGATION FOR PRIMARY CANCER PREVENTION MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Cancer and mental ill-health constitute leading public health problems in Europe, with more than 80 million people reporting mental health issues in Europe and around 4 million new cases of cancer dia...
2023-04-27 | Financiado
IDEAHL: Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living project (IDEAHL) aims at developing and testing new models and approaches of (digital) health literacy ((d)HL) intervention development and...
2022-06-12 | Financiado
DIGIECOQUARRY: INNOVATIVE DIGITAL SUSTAINABLE AGGREGATES SYSTEMS ASOCIACION NACIONAL ESPAÑOLA DE FABRICANTES DE ÁRIDOS. tramitó un H2020: The European aggregates extractive industry is, by far, the biggest non-energy extractive industries in the EU (Eurostat 2017): 26000 estimated extraction sites: 81,26% of the total EU mining and quar...
2021-06-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.