Innovating Works
C-Sink: Actions required to secure the large scale deployment of the leading CDR approaches to meet EU clima... CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE MATERIALES AVANZADOS Y MATERIAS PRIMAS DE CASTILLA Y LEON tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-01-two-stage The rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, currently about 420 ppm, is already causing extensive damage globally. Thus, there´s an u...
2023-05-17 - 2027-05-31 | Financiado
RESILEX: Resilient Enhancement for the Silicon Industry Leveraging the European matriX CLUSTER PARA LA MINERIA SOSTENIBLE Y SERVICIOS ASOCIADOS DE LA PENINSULA IBERICA - IBERIAN SUSTAINABLE MINING CLUSTER tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01 The general objective of Project RESiLEX is to demonstrate 7 industry-driven technological and business innovative solutions covering the fu...
2022-05-23 - 2026-05-31 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.