Innovating Works
SIA: System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: SIA has the objective of developing 4 ready-to-use new services (iWheelMon, iRailMon, iPantMon and iCatMon) to provide prognostic information about the health status of the railway’s most demanding as...
2018-03-01 | Financiado
FORTISSIMO: Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH tramitó un FP7: The importance of advanced simulation to the competitiveness of both large and small companies is well established. The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particula...
2013-07-01 | Financiado
CloudSME: Cloud based Simulation platform for Manufacturing and Engineering THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER LBG tramitó un FP7: Simulation can significantly improve the competitive position of manufacturing and engineering companies by reducing their costs and resulting in more efficient development, production, procurement, l...
2013-07-01 | Financiado
NEED4B: New Energy Efficient Demonstration for Buildings FUNDACION CIRCE CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION DE RECURSOS Y CONSUMOS ENERGETICOS tramitó un FP7: NEED4B aims to develop an open and easily replicable methodology for designing, constructing, and operating new low energy buildings, aiming to a large market uptake. The NEED4B methodology will be va...
2012-02-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.