Innovating Works
Mostrando 1 al 20 de 29 resultados
RESTORE: Renewable Energy based seasonal Storage Technology in Order to Raise Economic and environmental sust... FUNDACION CENER- CIEMAT tramitó un H2020: H2020-LC-GD-2020 RESTORE proposes a radically innovative solution for DHC, based on the combination of two key innovative technologies (TCES+ORC), that allow...
2021-08-30 - 2025-09-30 | Financiado
EOSC Future: EOSC Future ATHINAEREVNITIKO KENTRO KAINOTOMIAS STIS TECHNOLOGIES TIS PLIROFORIAS TON EPIKOINONION KAI TIS GNOSIS tramitó un H2020: H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 EOSC Future responds to INFRAEOSC-03-2020 call in order to integrate, consolidate, and connect e-infrastructures, research communities, and...
2021-07-05 - 2024-03-31 | Financiado
QuantERA II: QuantERA II ERA NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies NARODOWE CENTRUM NAUKI tramitó un H2020: H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020 Quantum Technologies (QT) is a highly interdisciplinary, paradigm-changing area of research. European researchers have been at the forefront...
2021-02-18 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
T-FRAME: Real time analysis of ribosomal frameshifting and its impact on immunity and disease HELMHOLTZZENTRUM FUR INFEKTIONSFORSCHUNG GMBH tramitó un H2020: ERC-2020-STG The coding region of many genes contains sequence elements that constitute roadblocks during mRNA translation. These roadblocks present prob...
2020-11-25 - 2027-07-31 | Financiado
MetElOne: The Metallization Conditions of Element One THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH tramitó un H2020: ERC-2020-STG Element number one, hydrogen, is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. The relative abundance is reflected in the gas gian...
2020-10-08 - 2025-10-31 | Financiado
GREEN: Generating Energy from Electroactive Algae UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA tramitó un H2020: ERC-2020-STG The aim of this grant is to establish a world leading research centre focusing on developing a radically different way to generate clean ene...
2020-08-18 - 2025-12-31 | Financiado
SST: Sonic Street Technologies SST their diaspora and what they tell us about technology and scientifi... GOLDSMITHS' COLLEGE tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-COG This project claims that ‘sonic street technologies’ (SST) provide a new, productive and urgently required understanding of the social, cult...
2020-05-11 - 2025-12-31 | Financiado
KoalaLifter: KOALALIFTER WIND CRANELESS SYSTEMS LEUNAMME ENGINEERING tramitó un H2020: H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 LEUNAMME has developed the KoalaLifter System, a disruptive lifting device that uses the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) tower as a support, ha...
2020-05-06 - 2023-04-30 | Financiado
Kerr: How do chiral superconductors break time reversal symmetry? Kerr spectroscopy study KEEMILISE JA BIOLOOGILISE FUUSIKA INSTITUUT tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-ADG Unconventional superconductivity is extensively sought for in contemporary research. Of particular interest are chiral superconductors which...
2020-04-28 - 2026-06-30 | Financiado
MOBILISE: Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors as novel drugs targeting NLRP3 inflammasome UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-PoC Although the number of anti-inflammatory drugs has increased during the past decade, there is still an urgent need to develop novel alternat...
2020-04-27 - 2022-06-30 | Financiado
FDM^2: Structural multiscale modelling of extrusion based 3D and 4D printed materials UNIVERSITAET DER BUNDESWEHR MUENCHEN tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-COG Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is a common 3D printing technology based on the extrusion of thermoplastic filaments. While it was initiall...
2020-02-11 - 2025-05-31 | Financiado
H I C I: Transcriptional and epigenetic control of tissue regenerative HB EGF in autoimmune CNS inflammation UNIVERSITATSKLINIKUM ERLANGEN tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-STG Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), in which chronic inflammation and failure...
2020-02-11 - 2025-02-28 | Financiado
ENCATFLOW: Encapsulated catalysts in flow chemistry for continues chemical processes UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-PoC Improvements in both the economic effectiveness and environmental impacts to the fine chemical industry are necessary to maintain European c...
2019-09-03 - 2021-09-30 | Financiado
EURAD: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management AGENCE NATIONALE POUR LA GESTION DES DECHETS RADIOACTIFS tramitó un H2020: NFRP-2018 Following decades of RD&D in support of the safe management and disposal of radioactive waste, and building on the preparatory work of the r...
2019-05-24 - 2024-05-31 | Financiado
3DSCAN: Commercialisation of novel ultra fast 3D laser scanning technology UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-PoC Understanding how the brain processes information is one of the unsolved grand challenges in science. Moreover, neurological disorders, wh...
2019-05-15 - 2020-11-30 | Financiado
SUPRA2DMAT: Supramolecular engineering of multifunctional systems and devices the molecular approach to 2D mate... FONDATION EUROPEENNE DE LA SCIENCE tramitó un H2020: ERC-2018-ADG SUPRA2DMAT is a multidisciplinary project aimed at exploiting materials engineering, by mastering supramolecular approaches, to combine the...
2019-05-06 - 2024-08-31 | Financiado
PREVISION: Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information EREVNITIKO PANEPISTIMIAKO INSTITOUTO SYSTIMATON EPIKOINONION KAI YPOLOGISTON tramitó un H2020: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020 The mission of PREVISION is to empower the analysts and investigators of LEAs with tools and solutions not commercially available today, to...
2019-04-29 - 2021-12-31 | Financiado
TUBE: Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects ITASUOMEN YLIOPISTO tramitó un H2020: H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020 The aim of the research is to study the effects of smallest traffic related ultrafine- or nanoparticles beyond the lung on brain health. Ai...
2019-04-11 - 2023-10-31 | Financiado
REPLISTRESS: DNA Replication From Physiology to Replication Stress in Human Cancer UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE tramitó un H2020: ERC-2017-ADG Replication of the genome is of critical importance for cell proliferation and organismal development. To ensure accurate and complete repli...
2018-06-26 - 2024-09-30 | Financiado
SARA: Search And Rescue Aid and Surveillance using High EGNSS Accuracy SISTEMATICA SPA tramitó un H2020: H2020-GALILEO-GSA-2017 SARA: Search and Rescue Aid using High Accuracy EGNSS The purpose of the SARA project is to engineer and to start to commercialise a dedica...
2018-01-16 - 2020-01-31 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.