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FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

AI REGIO: Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: The AI REGIO project aims at filling 3 major gaps currently preventing AI-driven DIHs from implementing fully effective digital transformation pathways for their Manufacturing SMEs: at policy level th...
2020-10-01 | Financiado

HBP SGA3: Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: The last of four multi-year work plans will take the HBP to the end of its original incarnation as an EU Future and Emerging Technology Flagship. The plan is that the end of the Flagship will see the...
2020-04-01 | Financiado

SHOP4CF: Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: SHOP4CF aims to find the right balance between cost-effective automation, repetitive tasks and involve the human workers in areas such as adaptability, creativity and agility where they create the big...
2020-01-01 | Financiado

SHOW: SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: SHOW aims to support the migration path towards affective and persuasive sustainable urban transport, through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios for impact assessment, by depl...
2020-01-01 | Financiado

DriveToTheFuture: Needs, wants and behaviour of Drivers and automated vehicle users today and into the future

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: Drive2theFuture aims to prepare drivers, travelers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected, cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to...
2019-05-01 | Financiado

HBP SGA2: Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a major European scientific research initiative to improve our understanding of the brain and the role it plays in making us human, and to exploit the opportunities of...
2018-04-01 | Financiado

ICEI: Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: Five leading European supercomputing centres are committed to develop, within their respective national programs andservice portfolios, a set of services that will be federated across a consortium. Th...
2018-01-01 | Financiado

vCare: Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: One out of six people in the European Union has a disability, usually caused by an acute episode or a chronic disease. Providing a suitable rehabilitation is the main issue for people as they age as i...
2017-09-01 | Financiado

ENABLE-S3: European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: ENABLE-S3 will pave the way for accelerated application of highly automated and autonomous systems in the mobility domains automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime as well as in the health care domain...
2016-05-01 | Financiado

HBP SGA1: Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing te...
2016-04-01 | Financiado

HORSE: Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: HORSE aims to bring a leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) and machi...
2015-11-01 | Financiado

RobustSENSE: Robust and Reliable Environment Sensing and Situation Prediction for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP6: Today’s driver assistance systems offer comfort and safety in sound environmental conditions. However, in harsh environment conditions – when needed most – systems stop working due to reduced sensor i...
2015-06-01 | Financiado

CloudTeams: Collaborative Software Development Framework based on Trusted, Secure Cloud-based Pool of Users

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un H2020: CloudTeams will be a cloud-based platform transforming software development for cloud services into a much easier, faster and targeted process, by engaging communities of users who will participate in...
2015-03-01 | Financiado

EuRoC: European Robotics Challenges

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: The European manufacturing industry needs competitive solutions to keep global leadership in products and services. Exploiting synergies across application experts, technology suppliers, system integr...
2014-01-01 | Financiado

ProaSense: The Proactive Sensing Enterprise

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: A new class of enterprise systems, proactive enterprises, that will be continuously aware of that what might happen in the relevant business context and optimize their behavior to achieve that what sh...
2013-11-01 | Financiado

HBP: The Human Brain Project

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatm...
2013-10-01 | Financiado

CACTOS: Context-Aware Cloud Topology Optimisation and Simulation

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: User demand and new technologies are driving a drastic increase in cloud infrastructure scale, heterogeneity and complexity. The demand for better energy efficiency has led to a variety of technologic...
2013-10-01 | Financiado

FITMAN: Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: According to the 2010 EC Competitiveness Report, Manufacturing is still the driving force of Europes economy, contributing over € 6553 billion in GDP and providing more than 30 million jobs. It covers...
2013-04-01 | Financiado

SKILLPRO: Skill-based Propagation of Plug&Produce-Devices in Reconfigurable Production Systems by AML

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: It is increasingly evident that the era of mass production is being replaced by the era of market niches. The key to creating products that can meet the demands of a diversified customer base is a sho...
2012-10-01 | Financiado

INTUITEL: Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology Enhanced Learning

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK participó en un FP7: The objective of INTUITEL is to enhance state-of-the-art e-learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS) with features that so far have been provided only by human tutors. An INTUITEL-enabled...
2012-10-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.

FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK no tiene proyectos rechazados.