Innovating Works
Mostrando 1 al 20 de 28 resultados
IDEAL PhD: IMDEA Nanociencia Doctoral Training Programme in Nanoscience FUNDACION IMDEA NANOCIENCIA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: IDEAL PhD programme is a new doctoral fellowship programme promoted by Fundación IMDEA Nanociencia (IMDEA Nano) that aims to attract 12 talented researchers in two open calls to undertake excellent re...
2022-09-22 | Financiado
MadridERN2021: Researchers and citizens to achieve a sustainable future FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: The European Researchers Night in Madrid will bring together researchers to the general public and will increase awareness of research and innovation activities, with a view to supporting the public r...
2021-05-01 | Financiado
EFFECT-SME: EFFECT-SME Enhancing and Facilitating Funding Evaluation and data Collection Techniques focused on start-up/SME support programmes MORAVSKOSLEZSKE INOVACNI CENTRUM OSTRAVA tramitó un H2020: The EFFECT-SME project’s main objective is to enhance the quality of start-ups’/SMEs’ innovation support programmes through the development of an efficient and effective methodology assessing the impa...
2021-04-01 | Financiado
ERNMadrid2020: Building science among all, the key role of researchers FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: The European Researchers’ Night in Madrid will bring together researchers to the general public and will increase awareness of research and innovation activities, with a view to supporting the public...
2020-07-01 | Financiado
INNMADRIMASD5: Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2020-2021 FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: The core objective of the project is to contribute to boost the full innovation potential of SMEs identifying weakness in theirinnovation capacities and in their innovation management capacities; this...
2020-01-01 | Financiado
INNMADRIMASD 4: Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2019 FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: The core objective of the project is to contribute to boost the full innovation potential of SMEs identifying weakness in their innovation capacities and in their innovation management capacities; thi...
2019-01-01 | Financiado
MadridERN 2018-2019: Researchers, key drivers of growth in Europe FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: Under the motto Researchers, the key drivers of growth in Europe, the European Researchers’ Night in Madrid aims to highlight the important role researchers play in European citizens welfare not only...
2018-05-01 | Financiado
GOT ENERGY: GOT ENERGY TALENT. Attracting Talented Researchers within the Spanish Campus of International Excellence ‘Smart Energy’ and the region of Madrid. UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ tramitó un H2020: GOT ENERGY TALENT is a highly competitive, merit-based fellowship programme aimed at incorporating postdoctoral talent on the area of SMART ENERGY to enable them to conduct their own excellent researc...
2017-09-01 | Financiado
INNMADRIMASD 3: Innovation services for enhancing SME innovation management capacities in Madrid Region FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: IInnovation services for enhancing SME innovation management capacities in Madrid Region- INNMADRIMASD 3 is a proposal addressing the topic ‘Enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innov...
2017-01-01 | Financiado
K.I.T.F.E.M.: Knowledge and Innovation in, to and from Emerging Markets COLEGIO UNIVERSITARIO DE ESTUDIOS FINANCIEROS tramitó un H2020: Since the rise of emerging economies in the global scenario, it has been critical to better understand the role of knowledge and innovation played in this process. We focus on researching not only how...
2017-01-01 | Financiado
DYNACOMP: Dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines IMDEA MATERIALES tramitó un H2020: The main objective of the DYNACOM (Dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines) training network is to set up a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) programme on the design...
2016-09-01 | Financiado
MadridERN2016-2017: Researchers, moving Europe forward. Meet them, join them! FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: Under the motto ‘Researchers, moving Europe forward. Meet them, join them!‘, European Researchers’ Night in Madrid, 2016-2017 underlines the importance of researchers’ work for the advancement in Euro...
2016-05-01 | Financiado
SYNAMERA: Synergies in Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production in the European Research Area REGION HAUTSDEFRANCE tramitó un H2020: This proposal for a Coordination Action aims at improving visibility for essential stakeholders, most notably national/regional programming and funding authorities, on programming synergetic actions...
2015-05-01 | Financiado
INNMADRIMASD 2: Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: Innovation services for SMEs innovation capacities enhancement in Madrid Region- INNMADRIMASD 2 is a proposal addressing the topic ‘Enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation sup...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
INNMADRIMASD: INNOVATION SERVICES FOR SMEs INNOVATION CAPACITIES ENHANCEMENT IN MADRID REGION FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: Lack of innovation management capacity is recognised as an important barrier to creating economic impact (competitiveness, growth and jobs) from innovation activities in SMEs.Consulting services in th...
2014-07-01 | Financiado
MadridERN2014-2015: European Researachers Night in Madrid 2014-2015 FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un H2020: Under the motto Supporting researchers, supporting the progress in Europe, the European Researchers’ Night in Madrid 2014-2015, highlights the importance of researchers’ work, its contribution to the...
2014-05-01 | Financiado
EU-MEX INNOVA: EUROPEAN UNION - MEXICO BILATERAL INNOVATION INITIATIVE CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA tramitó un FP7: Mexico sees the cooperation with Europe as a key element of its strategy to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. While many initiatives around ST&I are already underway, the international coopera...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
MADRIDRN2013: Researchers´ Night in Madrid 2013 FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un FP7: Researchers´ Night in Madrid 2013 aims to enhance public recognition of researchers and their work and at bringing scientists closer to the citizens, by means of a set of festive activities to be carr...
2013-05-01 | Financiado
ABEST III: Argentinean Bureau for Enhancing Cooperation with the European Union in the Science, Technology and Innovation Area. Phase III Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnologa e Innovacin Productiva tramitó un FP7: International cooperation plays an important role in tackling the major European and global challenges. The Framework Programmes (FPs) emphasis international cooperation while increasing international...
2012-10-01 | Financiado
MVISION: MVISION FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRID+D tramitó un FP7: MVision programme intends on building a particularly favourable environment to train and reinforce career development of best researchers in biomedical imaging. Foundation Madri+d (a public foundation...
2012-06-15 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.