Innovating Works
SUHIST: Surface Urban Heat Island at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution FUNDACION CEAM tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01 The fast growing of cities population in the last decades, which is projected to be continued in the following, requires a better understand...
2024-03-06 - 2027-08-31 | Financiado
ATMO-ACCESS: Solutions for Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS tramitó un H2020: H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 ATMO-ACCESS is the organized response of distributed atmospheric research facilities for developing a pilot for a new model of Integrating A...
2021-03-12 - 2025-03-31 | Financiado
ACTRIS IMP: Aerosol Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project ILMATIETEEN LAITOS tramitó un H2020: H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020 The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) is a pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data a...
2019-11-20 - 2023-12-31 | Financiado
EUROCHAMP-2020: Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes Towards 2020 a... CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS tramitó un H2020: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017 Atmospheric simulation chambers are the most advanced tools for elucidating processes that occur in the atmosphere. They lay the foundations...
2016-11-30 - 2021-08-31 | Financiado
PRACTICE: Prevention and Restoration Actions to Combat Desertification. An Integrated Assessment FUNDACION CEAM tramitó un FP7: The general objective of PRACTICE is to link S & T advances and traditional knowledge on prevention and restoration practices to combat dese...
ICOS: Integrated Carbon Observation System COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES tramitó un FP7: The ICOS project will build an infrastructure for co-ordinated, integrated, long-term high-quality observational data of the greenhouse bala...
GHG EUROPE: Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems JOHANN HEINRICH VON THUENENINSTITUT BUNDESFORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER LAENDLICHE RAEUME WALD UND FISCHEREI tramitó un FP7: The GHG-Europe project aims to improve our understanding and capacity for predicting the European terrestrial carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG...
INGOS: Integrated non CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System STICHTING ENERGIEONDERZOEK CENTRUM NEDERLAND tramitó un FP7: InGOS will support and integrate the observing capacity of Europe for non-CO2 greenhouse gases (NCGHG: CH4, N2O, SF6, H2 and halocarbons). T...
ICOS-INWIRE: ICOS improved sensors network and interoperability for GMES COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES tramitó un FP7: The fundamental objective of the ICOS-INWIRE project is to enhance the capabilities of the ICOS infrastructure and fill in critical gaps for...
CARBO-EXTREME: The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes a Pan European synthesis MAXPLANCKGESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN EV tramitó un FP7: The aim of this project is to achieve an improved knowledge of the terrestrial carbon cycle in response to climate variability and extremes,...
FUME: Forest fires under climate social and economic changes in Europe the Mediterranean and other fire... UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA tramitó un FP7: Fire regimes result from interactions between climate, land-use and land-cover (LULC), and socioeconomic factors, among other. These changed...
CASCADE: CAtastrophic Shifts in drylands how CAn we prevent ecosystem DEgradation? WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY tramitó un FP7: The aim of CASCADE is to obtain a better understanding of sudden ecosystem shifts that may lead to major losses in biodiversity and ecosyste...
EUROCHAMP-2: Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes Part 2 BERGISCHE UNIVERSITAET WUPPERTAL tramitó un FP7: The fundamental objective of the project is the further integration of existing European research facilities to a grid of reaction chambers...
AMIS: Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS tramitó un FP7: The proposed project aims at establishing a long-lasting collaboration and creates a network of European and Chinese research centres of exc...
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.