Innovating Works
RECETAS: Re-imagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un H2020: Re-imagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces (RECETAS) will address loneliness, a modifiable health condition that is known to shor...
2021-03-01 | Financiado
NESTORE: Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities POLITECNICO DI MILANO tramitó un H2020: Ageing population is growing faster in EU. ICT can provide solutions for Active Ageing, however the success of novel ICT solutions depends on the user perception about their efficacy to support toward...
2017-09-01 | Financiado
SPARK: Supporting Pioneer doctoral Researchers through 3i Knowledge partnerships THE QUEENS UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST tramitó un H2020: The SPaRK Programme is driven by the need to develop future leaders whose skills combine disciplinary excellence with a capacity for interdisciplinary and intersectoral working that creates genuinely...
2017-05-01 | Financiado
SITless: SITless: Exercise Referral Schemes enhanced by Self-Management Strategies to battle sedentary behaviour FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA INSTITUT CATALÀ DE L`ENVELLIMENT tramitó un H2020: The increase of the elderly population leads to increased prevalence of frailty, risk for poor health outcomes, and related health and social care costs. Lack of physical activity (PA) and established...
2015-05-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.