Innovating Works
EU.FFICIENT: European Communities of Facilitators focused on Co-creation training, Networking and Hands-on learning KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: "Expert Facilitators lead and guide co-creation processes among stakeholders, enhancing creativity and mutual understanding and ensuring effective outcomes. To excel in their work, facilitators need a...
2023-11-10 | Financiado
SIGN-AIR: implemented SynergIes, data sharing contracts and Goals between transport modes and AIR tansportation Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: SIGN-AIR will develop and pilot a new platform for an orchestrated sharing of data in multimodal traveling. The platform will provide the means for Transport Service Providers (TSPs) to register, reac...
2023-06-11 | Financiado
PLEC2021-007609: Movilidad en la ciudad del futuro. Preparar a las ciudades para la nueva movilidad 2030 a través de las 4 universidades politécnicas españolas. METROPOLIS FUNDACIO CENTRE D INNOVACIO I TECNOLOGIA DE LA UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA CIT-UPC tramitó un AEI: Los avances recientes en conectividad, sensores y gestión de datos están impulsando la digitalización de sistemas tradicionales como la movilidad. El intercambio de información entre infraestructura,...
2021-01-01 | Financiado
MOLIERE: MObiLIty sERvices Enhanced by GALILEO & Blockchain FACTUAL CONSULTING SL tramitó un H2020: MOLIERE - MObiLIty sERvices Enhanced by GALILEO & Blockchain will build the worlds best open data commons for mobility services, the Wikipedia of public transport and new mobility data, a Mobility Dat...
2020-12-01 | Financiado
ARIADNA: Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services FACTUAL CONSULTING SL tramitó un H2020: Urban mobility is becoming an issue of great importance in today’s society due to the increasing population movements towards big cities and the exponential growth of cities in developing countries. T...
2019-12-01 | Financiado
Science2Society: Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europes innovation stakeholders KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un H2020: Science2Society creates, pilots and shares good practices, guidelines and training materials that improve awareness and practical performance in seven concrete university-industry-society interfacing...
2016-03-01 | Financiado
TETRACOM: Technology Transfer in Computing Systems RHEINISCHWESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN tramitó un FP7: The mission of the TETRACOM Coordination Action is to boost European academia-to-industry technology transfer (TT) in all domains of Computing Systems. While many other European and national initiativ...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.