Innovating Works
5GENESIS: 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEMOKRITOS tramitó un H2020: In the global race towards 5G, the establishment and implementation of the 5G-PPP programme in the EU has significantly strengthened the position of Europe, promoting both technological excellence and...
2018-07-01 | Financiado
UMOBILE: Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture ATHINAEREVNITIKO KENTRO KAINOTOMIAS STIS TECHNOLOGIES TIS PLIROFORIAS TON EPIKOINONION KAI TIS GNOSIS tramitó un H2020: Cars, sensors, home appliances, every device in the daily life of citizens is becoming a constituent in Future Internet, adding to the need to reconsider requirements and assumptions in terms of netwo...
2015-02-01 | Financiado
COMBO: COnvergence of fixed and Mobile BrOadband access/aggregation networks SODIRA CONNECT tramitó un FP7: Fixed and mobile networks have been subjects to significant technological and architectural evolutions in the past years, with e.g. deployments of 4G mobile networks and FTTH fixed networks, as well a...
2013-01-01 | Financiado
MOTO: Mobile OpportunisTic Traffic Offloading THALES SIX GTS FRANCE SAS tramitó un FP7: To support the booming demand in mobile 4G data services, the MOTO project proposes to design, dimension, implement, and evaluate a new network architecture in support of dynamic traffic offloading st...
2012-11-01 | Financiado
ULOOP: User-centric Wireless Local-Loop NOKIA BELL LABS FRANCE tramitó un FP7: The flexibility inherent to wireless technologies is giving rise to new types of access networks and allowing the Internet to expand in a user-centric way. This is particularly relevant if one conside...
2010-09-01 | Financiado
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