Innovating Works
SuWaNu Europe: Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe BIOAZUL tramitó un H2020: Reclaimed water has a strong potential for complementing conventional water resources. According to the European Commission communication Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy...
2019-01-01 | Financiado
WEAM4I: WATER AND ENERGY ADVANCED MANAGEMENT FOR IRRIGATION METEOSIM TRUEWIND tramitó un FP7: Agriculture sector is accountable for 30% of the total water consumption in Europe, but reaches up to 70% of total water consumption in several European southern countries. In recent years, most of th...
2013-11-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.