Innovating Works
CoMoFun: Cold Molecules for Fundamental Physics IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE tramitó un H2020: ERC-2020-STG Laser cooling of atomic gases in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) has revolutionized modern physics. A MOT uses precisely tuned lasers and a mag...
2020-08-25 - 2026-04-30 | Financiado
GloCoBank: Global Correspondent Banking 1870 2000 THE CHANCELLOR MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-ADG The overall objective of GloCoBank is to analyse the changing shape of international banking networks across the 20th century using an innov...
2020-06-16 - 2026-02-28 | Financiado
SOTUF: SOot in TUrbulent Flames a new look at soot production processes in turbulent flames leading to nov... CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS tramitó un H2020: ERC-2017-STG Many practical systems emit soot into the atmosphere as a result of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. This pollutant emission is charac...
2017-11-17 - 2024-05-31 | Financiado
SMILE: SMart mobILity at the European land borders ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS tramitó un H2020: H2020-SEC-2016-2017 SMILE proposes a novel mobility concept that addresses the aforementioned challenges by designing, implementing and evaluating in relevant e...
2017-04-26 - 2020-06-30 | Financiado
CESSDA-SaW: Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. HOGSKULEN PA VESTLANDET tramitó un H2020: H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015 After CESSDA's successful launch we must now achieve full European coverage, and strength and sustainability for the widened network. Eur...
2015-07-27 - 2017-10-31 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.