Innovating Works
E.T.COMPACT: COMPACT AND PROPELLANT LESS ELECTRODYNAMIC TETHER SYSTEM BASED ON IN SPACE SOLAR ENERGY E.T.COMPACT is aimed at reaching technology readiness level four for three in-space technologies on the domain of solar energy harvesting an...
2024-06-16 - 2027-09-30 | Financiado
GEORyder: Enabling Access to the GEO Orbit Through a Green Reusable Kickstage Vehicle Allowing Multiple Transf... INFINITE ORBITS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01 GEORyder addresses the Space Transportation technologies in support to In-orbit servicing systems subtopic. The geopolitical situation has g...
2024-03-20 - 2026-02-28 | Financiado
EFESTO-2: European Flexible hEat Shields advanced TPS design and tests for future in Orbit demonstration 2 DEIMOS CASTILLA LA MANCHA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2021-SPACE-01 EFESTO-2 is the natural follow-on of the project EFESTO (H2020 grant 821801) and it aims at increasing the European know-how and technology...
2022-10-19 - 2024-10-31 | Financiado
EARS: European Advanced Reusable Satellite CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2021-SPACE-01 This program proposes to design and build a low-cost spacecraft capable of supporting a variety of small experiments for orbital periods pot...
2022-10-18 - 2024-12-31 | Financiado
NextOcean: Next Generation of Fishing and Aquaculture Services DEIMOS ENGENHARIA SA tramitó un H2020: H2020-SPACE-2018-2020 The societal need for sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources, requires support to monitoring need to ensure sustainable fishing, incr...
2021-07-21 - 2024-06-30 | Financiado
SPACEWAYS: European Ways Forward for Space Traffic Management FONDATION ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEMININE EPF tramitó un H2020: H2020-SPACE-2018-2020 SPACEWAYS intends to create a common understanding of the guidelines and standards necessary to develop a Space Traffic Management (STM) con...
2020-12-16 - 2022-06-30 | Financiado
MINDtheGEPs: Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality Plans UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO tramitó un H2020: H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 "MINDtheGEPs takes a multidisciplinary multidimensional approach to challenging gender unbalances across five different countries with still...
2020-11-23 - 2025-07-31 | Financiado
7SHIELD: Safety and Security Standards of Space Systems ground Segments and Satellite data assets via preve... ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA tramitó un H2020: H2020-SU-INFRA-2018-2019-2020 The project addresses the security and the resilience of EU Ground Segments of Space Systems, meeting the crosscutting and the sectorial cri...
2020-04-21 - 2023-02-28 | Financiado
NextLand: Next Generation Land Management services for Agriculture and Forestry DEIMOS ENGENHARIA SA tramitó un H2020: H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020 NextLand (Next Generation Land Management services for Agriculture and Forestry) aims to develop a set of 15 operational commercial midstrea...
2020-04-14 - 2023-11-30 | Financiado
NEOROCKS: The NEO Rapid Observation Characterization and Key Simulations ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA tramitó un H2020: H2020-SPACE-2018-2020 NEOROCKS improves knowledge on physical characterization of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) for planetary defense. NEOROCKS connects expertise in...
2019-11-22 - 2023-06-30 | Financiado
DISCOVERER: DISCOVERER DISruptive teChnOlogies for VERy low Earth oRbit platforms THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER tramitó un H2020: H2020-FETOPEN-2016-2017 We envision a radical redesign of Earth observation platforms for sustained operation at significantly lower altitudes than the current stat...
2016-12-13 - 2022-09-30 | Financiado
ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE tramitó un H2020: H2020-PROTEC-2015 ReDSHIFT will address barriers to compliance for spacecraft manufacturers and operators presented now and in the future by requirements and...
2015-11-23 - 2019-03-31 | Financiado
ENTICE: dEcentralized repositories for traNsparent and efficienT vIrtual maChine opErations UNIVERSITAET INNSBRUCK tramitó un H2020: H2020-ICT-2014 Virtualization is a key enabler of cloud computing that allows to run multiple virtual machines (VM) with their own software environment and...
2014-12-15 - 2018-01-31 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.