Innovating Works
SPACE4GREEN: Trusted and Green traceability through EU Space Technologies INTEGRASYS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: "On B2B and B2C relations, the reliability among stakeholders is an essential requirement. Every second of every day, businesses exchange items with suppliers, partners, customers and others. Items me...
2022-10-17 | Financiado
AGRICORE: Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies OPTIMIZACION ORIENTADA A LASOSTENIBILIDAD tramitó un H2020: The AGRICORE project proposes a novel tool for improving the current capacity to model policies dealing with agriculture by taking advantage of latest progresses in modelling approaches and ICT. Speci...
2019-09-01 | Financiado
AGRIFORVALOR: Bringing added value to agriculture and forest sectors by closing the research and innovation divide STEINBEIS 2I GMBH tramitó un H2020: AGRIFORVALOR will close the research and innovation divide by connecting practitioners from agriculture and forestry to research and academia as well as with associations and clusters, bio -industry,...
2016-03-01 | Financiado
Biogas2PEM-FC: Biogas Reforming and Valorisation Through PEM Fuel Cells Powercell Sweden AB tramitó un FP7: Biogas2PEM-FC is an industrial research project that aims to develop, according to participating SMEs needs, the technologies that compose a novel and integrated solution for biogas valorisation throu...
2012-11-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.