Innovating Works
EquityCancer-LA: Improving equity in access to early diagnosis of cancer: implementation research in different healthcare systems of Latin America (EquityCancer-LA) CONSORCI DE SALUT ID ATENCIO SOCIAL DE CATALUNYA tramitó un H2020: Healthcare fragmentation is a main cause for delay in cancer diagnosis and treatment, contributing to high and steadily increasing mortality rates in Latin America(LA), particularly among disadvantage...
2021-05-01 | Financiado
EQUITY-LA II: The impact of alternative care integration strategies on Health Care Networks’ performance in different Latin American health systems CONSORCI DE SALUT ID ATENCIO SOCIAL DE CATALUNYA tramitó un FP7: Health services fragmentation is one of the main obstacles to effective health care in Latin-America, particularly for chronic diseases. This research builds upon results from Equity-LA (FP7-B-223123)...
2013-08-01 | Financiado
EQUITY-LA: Impact on equity of access and efficiency of Integrated Health care Networks (IHN) in Colombia and Brazil CONSORCI DE SALUT ID ATENCIO SOCIAL DE CATALUNYA tramitó un FP7: The research focuses on different types of integrated health care networks (IHN), widely promoted in Latin America in spite of lack of knowledge on their impact. It will look at their impact on equity...
2009-03-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.