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BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

B5G-OPEN: Beyond 5G – OPtical nEtwork coNtinuum

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: B5G-OPEN targets the design, prototyping and demonstration of a novel end-to-end integrated packet-optical transport architecture based on MultiBand (MB) optical transmission and switching networks. M...
2021-11-01 | Financiado

MoSaiQC: Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Optical atomic clocks are amazingly stable frequency standards, which would be off by only one second over the age of the universe. Bringing those clocks from the laboratory into a portable form will...
2020-03-01 | Financiado

OPENQKD: Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: OPENQKD brings together a multidisciplinary team of the leading European telecommunication equipment manufacturers, end-users and critical infrastructure providers, network operators, QKD equipment pr...
2019-09-02 | Financiado

Lowcomote: Training the Next Generation of Experts in Scalable Low-Code Engineering Platforms

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Low-code development platforms (LCPD) are software development platforms on the Cloud, provided through a Platform-as a-Service model, which allow users to build completely operational applications by...
2019-01-01 | Financiado

iqClock: Integrated Quantum Clock

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Optical clocks are amazingly stable frequency standards, which would be off by only one second over the age of the universe. Bringing those clocks from the laboratory into a robust and compact form wi...
2018-10-01 | Financiado

RESISTO: RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Communications play a fundamental role in the economic and social well-being of the citizens and on operations of most of the CIs. Thus they are a primary target for criminals having a multiplier effe...
2018-05-01 | Financiado

METRO-HAUL: METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY tramitó un H2020: METRO-HAUL is a project proposal addressing the Horizon 2020 ICT-07 5G PPP call; it is an RIA, focusing on strand 2 (high capacity elastic – optical networks) and strand 3 (software networks). The cen...
2017-06-01 | Financiado

5G-Xcast: Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: 5G-Xcast will devise, assess and demonstrate large scale immersive media delivery by means of conceptually novel wireless technologies, contributing to the further definition of 5G and its standardisa...
2017-06-01 | Financiado

NRG-5: Enabling Smart Energy as a Service via 5G Mobile Network advances (NRG-5)

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Despite a number of software frameworks and reference architectures have made available for 5G enabling technologies, there is a clear gap to bridge towards 5G seamless application with a number of ve...
2017-06-01 | Financiado

SaT5G: Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: The introduction and global roll out of eMBB service within 5G raises coverage and network dimensioning issues in underserved and unserved areas, especially in low ARPU regions of emerging markets, an...
2017-06-01 | Financiado

NGPaaS: Next Generation Platform as a Service

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Cloud innovations have had a major impact on the IT industry but not yet on networks. The danger is that 5G will be a niche industry providing basic connectivity for the cloud applications and service...
2017-06-01 | Financiado

RECAP: Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Large-scale computing systems are today built as distributed systems (for reasons of scale, heterogeneity, cost and energy efficiency) where components and services are distributed and accessed remote...
2017-01-01 | Financiado

MULTIPLY: International Mobility and Training in Photonics Programme

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: The aims of the proposed International Mobility and Training in Photonics programme, MULTIPLY, are to facilitate worldwide mobility and offer high-level interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary trainin...
2016-10-01 | Financiado

C3ISP: Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: C3ISP mission is to define a collaborative and confidential information sharing, analysis and protection framework as a service for cyber security management. C3ISP innovation is the possibility to sh...
2016-10-01 | Financiado

2-IMMERSE: Creating and Delivering Shared and Personalised Multi-Screen Broadcast and Broadband Experiences

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Surveys show that, although around 80% of people are using a second device (phone, tablet or laptop) when watching TV only 20% of them are engaging with ‘companion content’.The 2-IMMERSE project will...
2015-12-01 | Financiado

NeCS: European Network for Cyber-security

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: The European Network for Cybersecurity (NECS) was formed in response to the increased need of highly qualified experts able to cope with all the aspects of the European cybersecurity strategy that is...
2015-09-01 | Financiado

SONATA: Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Virtualisation and software networks are a major disruptive technology for communications networks, enabling services to be deployed as software functions running directly in the network on commodity...
2015-07-01 | Financiado

SPEED-5G: quality of Service Provision and capacity Expansion through Extended-DSA for 5G

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: The objective of SPEED-5G is to research and develop technologies that address the well-known challenges of predicted growth in mobile connections and traffic volume. A major challenge is the cost of...
2015-07-01 | Financiado

SUPERFLUIDITY: Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Superfluidity is a state in which matter behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity. Our project aims at achieving superfluidity in the network: the ability to instantiate services on-the-fly, run them...
2015-07-01 | Financiado

ESCUDO-CLOUD: Enforceable Security in the Cloud to Uphold Data Ownership

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY participó en un H2020: Cloud computing is increasingly a necessary strategical ICT infrastructure component for European companies to successfully compete in the world-wide economy. The advantages of renting ICT infrastruct...
2015-01-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.