Innovating Works
OlfSwitch: OlfSwitch Neural circuit switches from molecules to behaviour UNITED KINGDOM RESEARCH AND INNOVATION tramitó un H2020: ERC-2014-CoG This proposal seeks to understand the logic of neural circuit switches in the relatively simple nervous system of Drosophila. Our goals are...
2015-06-23 - 2021-12-31 | Financiado
EU-CaRE: A EUropean study on effectiveness and sustainability of current Cardiac Rehabilitation programmes in... STICHTING ISALA KLINIEKEN tramitó un H2020: H2020-PHC-2014-2015 Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause over 4 million deaths in Europe each year and mass disability: within the coming decades the disability-...
2015-04-07 - 2019-04-30 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.