Innovating Works
NeurO-GI: In vivo gut brain optogenetic endomicroscopy for digestive disorders management WYSS CENTER FOR BIO AND NEURO ENGINEERING tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-STG Proper functioning of the digestive system depends largely on the enteric nervous system (the gut’s brain), which on one side is linked to t...
2020-12-01 - 2026-10-31 | Financiado
ARISTO: The European Industry Academia Network for RevIsing and Advancing the Assessment of the Soil Micro... PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS tramitó un H2020: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 In ARISTO (the European Industry - Academia Network for RevIsing and Advancing the Assessment of the Soil Microbial TOxicity of Pesticides),...
2020-08-10 - 2024-11-30 | Financiado
HINDCON: Hybrid INDustrial CONstruction through a 3D printing all in one machine for large scale advanced m... VIAS Y CONSTRUCCIONES tramitó un H2020: H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 "Advanced Manufacturing has been highlighted by the EU as one of the key enablers to support and promotion of business research and innovati...
2016-06-30 - 2019-09-14 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.