Innovating Works
RandomMultiScales: Computational Random Multiscale Problems UNIVERSITAET AUGSBURG tramitó un H2020: ERC-2019-COG Geometrically or statistically heterogeneous microstructures and high physical contrast are the key to astonishing physical phenomena such a...
2019-12-18 - 2025-07-31 | Financiado
CoqHoTT: Coq for Homotopy Type Theory INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET AUTOMATIQUE tramitó un H2020: ERC-2014-STG Every year, software bugs cost hundreds of millions of euros to companies and administrations. Hence, software quality is a prevalent notion...
2015-05-04 - 2021-05-31 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.