Innovating Works
GreenGELAIR: Application of a new green sol gel product using an original versatile accurate and in line mixi... AIMME ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA METALMECANICA, AFINES Y CONEX tramitó un FP7: GreenGELAIR aims at developing a two component sol-gel product to be applied on spray or stick/brush device to improve paint adhesion on lar...
AEROBEAM: Direct Manufacturing of stator vanes through electron beam melting AIMME ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA METALMECANICA, AFINES Y CONEX tramitó un FP7: "New aeronautical engine designs strive the manufacturers to use new processes which permit to add specific features such as stiffeners, oft...
PLASTIVAL: RTD based Cluster iniciative to target future challenges of the Valencia plastic processing industry INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE COMPETITIVIDAD EMPRESARIAL (IVACE) tramitó un FP7: The plastic processing industry faces many challenges, although the use of plastics grows with new opportunities and applications To take ad...
REPAIR: Future RepAIR and Maintenance for Aerospace industry UNIVERSITAET PADERBORN tramitó un FP7: The Project RepAIR will perform research on future repair and maintenance for the Aerospace industry. Therefore the onsite maintenance and r...
KARMA: Knowledge Based Process planning and Design for Additive Layer Manufacturing FEDERACION EMPRESARIAL METALURGICAVALENCIANA tramitó un FP7: Mass production is shifted towards the countries with lower factor cost. European industry must search for a chance in customized and hi-tec...
MANSYS: MANufacturing decision and supply chain management SYStem for additive manufacturing TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: ManSYS aims to develop and demonstrate a set of e-supply chain tools; to enable the mass adoption of Additive Manufacturing (AM). This will...
HIRESEBM: High resolution electron beam melting WITEC SWEDEN tramitó un FP7: HiResEBM is a partnership between EU SMEs and RTD providers with the aim of developing an electron beam melting (EBM) additive manufacturing...
TACMON2: Development of a very low cost Interactive Graphical Tactile Display as advanced user interface for... ATEKNEA SOLUTIONS HUNGARY KFT tramitó un FP7: The aim of TACMON2 is to develop an innovative technology for the low-cost realization of a large area Interactive Graphical Tactile Display...
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.