Innovating Works
REXUS: MANAGING RESILIENT NEXUS SYSTEMS THROUGH PARTICIPATORY SYSTEMS DYNAMICS MODELLING UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA tramitó un H2020: LC-CLA-14-2020 REXUS ambitious goal is to bring transformative change in the way our societies approach the Water Food Energy Climate Nexus. The project ar...
2021-05-07 - 2024-10-31 | Financiado
TUdi: Transforming Unsustainable management of soils in key agricultural systems in EU and China. Developi... AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS tramitó un H2020: SFS-40-2020 TUdi is conceived as a transformative project, integrating 15 academic and SME partners, to develop, upscale and disseminate soil restoring...
2021-05-05 - 2025-06-30 | Financiado
COALA: COpernicus Applications and services for Low impact agriculture in Australia ARIESPACE SRL tramitó un H2020: DT-SPACE-06-EO-2019 COALA will develop Copernicus-based information service for irrigation and nutrient management for the Australian agricultural systems, star...
2019-11-07 - 2023-06-30 | Financiado
SIEUSOIL: Sino EU Soil Observatory for intelligent Land Use Management ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS tramitó un H2020: SIEUSOIL will design, implement and test a shared China-EU Web Observatory platform that will provide Open Linked Data to monitor status and...
2019-05-03 - 2022-11-30 | Financiado
B-FERST: Bio based FERtilising products as the best practice for agricultural management SusTainability FERTIBERIA CORPORATE SL tramitó un H2020: BBI.2018.SO3.D4 B-FERST’s main objective is to integrate the valorisation of bio-wastes in agriculture management plans creating anew circular and bio-based...
2019-04-24 - 2024-10-31 | Financiado
STARGATE: reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS tramitó un H2020: LC-SFS-19-2018-2019 STARGATEs contribution beyond state-of-the-art in applied climatic data solutions is the implementation of analytics models to support loca...
2019-04-23 - 2024-11-30 | Financiado
DIANA: Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non authorised water Abstractions using EO AGRICULTURAL APPLICATIONS IKE tramitó un H2020: EO-1-2016 DIANA is aimed at co-designing and openly demonstrating a commercial service platform that will empower water managers and authorities to op...
2016-10-19 - 2019-12-31 | Financiado
APOLLO: Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation DRAXIS ENVIRONMENTAL SA tramitó un H2020: EO-1-2015 The overall objective of APOLLO is to develop a commercial platform that will provide a suite of farm management advisory services specifica...
2015-11-27 - 2019-02-28 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.