Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-03

BIOservicES: LINKING SOIL BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES IN DIFFERENT LAND USES FROM THE IDEN... UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE CARTAGENA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01 The main objective of BIOservicES is to understand the interconnection between soil organisms (virus, bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, ne...
2023-05-24 - 2028-08-31 | Financiado
SOB4ES: Integrating SOil Biodiversity to Ecosystem Services testing cost effectiveness of Soil Biodiversity... UNIVERSIDADE DE VIGO tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01 The aim of the EU Soil Strategy is that by 2050 all soils in the EU are healthy. However, cost-effective indicators for soil biodiversity, e...
2023-05-19 - 2028-05-31 | Financiado