Expected Outcome:Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:
Tools to support cybersecurity resilience, preparedness, awareness, and detection within critical infrastructures and across supply chains;Cloud infrastructures vulnerabilities mitigation;Secure integration of untrusted IoT in trusted environments; Use of Zero-Trust architectures;Trust & Security for massive connected IoT ecosystems & lifecycle management;Secure interoperability and integration of systems; AI-based automation tools for cyber threat intelligence;Secure infrastructure, secure Identities and usability for a security chain covering communication, data collection, data transport, and data processing. Scope:The evolution of our interconnected society brings multiple layers of cloud, edge computing, and IoT platforms that continuously interact with each other. Yet this always-connected ecosystem populated with potentially vulnerable entities requires advanced, smart and agile protection mechanisms to manage the security and privacy of individual components throughout their lifecycle and of overall systems. The complexity of such interconnect...
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Expected Outcome:Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:
Tools to support cybersecurity resilience, preparedness, awareness, and detection within critical infrastructures and across supply chains;Cloud infrastructures vulnerabilities mitigation;Secure integration of untrusted IoT in trusted environments; Use of Zero-Trust architectures;Trust & Security for massive connected IoT ecosystems & lifecycle management;Secure interoperability and integration of systems; AI-based automation tools for cyber threat intelligence;Secure infrastructure, secure Identities and usability for a security chain covering communication, data collection, data transport, and data processing. Scope:The evolution of our interconnected society brings multiple layers of cloud, edge computing, and IoT platforms that continuously interact with each other. Yet this always-connected ecosystem populated with potentially vulnerable entities requires advanced, smart and agile protection mechanisms to manage the security and privacy of individual components throughout their lifecycle and of overall systems. The complexity of such interconnected environments underlines the need for the proactive and automated detection, analysis, and mitigation of cybersecurity attacks in cloud, at the edge, for OT, IoT deployments, and in application domains such as, for example, smart cities. Integrating end-to-end security and user-centric privacy in complex distributed platforms requires work to address security threats and vulnerabilities over the entire platform ecosystem.
The identification and analysis of potential regulatory aspects and barriers for the developed technologies/solutions is encouraged, where relevant.
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