Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01-03

CONCILIARE: CONfidetly ChangIng coLonIAl heRitagE OBJECTIVES: CONCILIARE centers on the ongoing changes in Colonial Cultural Heritage (CCH) with a threefold aim: 1) identifying and analyzing...
2023-11-07 - 2027-02-28 | Financiado
CLiViE: Cultural Literacies Value in Europe The Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe (CLiViE) project develops and applies a Theory of Change (ToC) methodology and Social Return on Inv...
2023-10-26 - 2027-02-28 | Financiado
IMPULSE: IMmersive digitisation uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies Digital technologies are also playing a key role in the sustainability transformation; therefore, IMPULSE applies a comprehensive approach t...
2023-11-06 - 2027-01-31 | Financiado
GAME-ER: Gaming Clusters Across Multiple European Regions The main objective of the project Gaming Clusters Across Multiple European Regions (GAME-ER) is to research how video games clusters emerge,...
2023-11-06 - 2027-02-28 | Financiado
NERITES: Systematic autonomous remote surveying of underwater cultural heritage monuments and artefacts using... The proposition in this project is to use autonomous platforms for remote monitoring and chemical mapping of underwater heritage sites, such...
2023-11-06 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
REEVALUATE: fRamework for safE opEn collaboratiVe And incLUsive digitisAtion and managemenT of cultural herita... The Cultural Heritage (CH) sector, including institutions such as Galleries, Libraries, Museums and Archives (GLAMs), is facing an increasin...
2023-11-06 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
i-Game: Building a community for the co creation of games with high impact on innovation sustainability so... In European society, video games are important both as a cultural and commercial industry and as an important aspect of people's daily lives...
2023-10-26 - 2027-01-31 | Financiado
TOURAL: Multidimensional model of tourism verticals driving the sustainable balanced growth among rural re... EU rural and remote areas demonstrate a wide range of qualities, while facing a unique set of challenges. To this end, EC put forward a Long...
2023-11-06 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
ARGUS: Non destructive scalable smart monitoring of remote cultural treasures ARGUS draws on the current challenges in monitoring remote built heritage assets and the current research focus on preventive preservation,...
2023-11-06 - 2026-11-30 | Financiado
DIGICHer: Digitisation of cultural heritage of minority communities for equity and renewed engagement Cultural heritage (CH) digitisation brought great opportunities to preserve, maintain and promote it. Yet, it also triggers challenges in te...
2023-10-26 - 2027-01-31 | Financiado
GAMEHEARTS: Games Heritage Arts Sport the economic social and cultural value of the European videogame e... GAMEHEARTS will seek to maximise the value of the European videogame industry ecosystems (hereafter, EVGIE) within a wider social context of...
2023-11-07 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
CROCUS: Cross Border Cultural and Creative Tourism in Rural and Remote Areas Rural and remote areas (RRA) are rich in cultural heritage, but many also suffer from socio-economic problems such as an ageing population,...
2023-10-30 - 2027-03-31 | Financiado
PACESETTERS: POWERING ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TO DRIVE THE CLIMATE TRANSITION PACESETTERS responds to the abstract challenge of the climate transitions by shifting from a model of entrepreneurship based on individual,...
2023-10-30 - 2027-02-28 | Financiado
CRAFT-IT4SD: Craft Revitalization Action for Futureproofing the Transition to Innovative Technologies for Sustain... CRAFT-IT4SD CRAFT-IT4SD (Craft Revitalization Action for Future-proofing the Transition to Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Developme...
2023-10-30 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
CULTURALITY: CULTUral heritage in RurAL remote areas for creative tourism and sustainabilITY The main objective of the project is to contribute to the promotion of cultural and creative tourism activities, considering the different c...
2023-11-07 - 2028-03-31 | Financiado
META-MUSEUM: Moving Emotions towards confidence in the Transformative Appropriation for a Meaningful Understandin... META-MUSEUM aims to create empathic encounters where citizens can understand the CH transformative nature through active participation, emot...
2024-05-30 - 2027-09-30 | Financiado