Expected Impact:Outcomes and deliverables
Requirements and mechanisms for the AI-on-demand platform, optimising its services on the basis of users’ needs and strengthening the AI developers’ community, to support wide uptake of trustworthy AI “made in Europe”.
Objective:The objective of this support action is to prepare the development of the AI-on-demand platform described above, in order to optimise its design and maximise its impact.
Scope:The project will define the requirements and mechanisms for the AI-on-demand platform in order to:
support the implementation of the Adopt AI programme which supports the procurement of AI systems for public administrations (Proposed in the White Paper on AI).serve the needs of both public administrations as well as the user industry, in particular SMEs, addressing the major industrial sectors in Europe, with high potential for large scale deploymentbest support the wide uptake of trustworthy AI “made in Europe”, in line with AI regulatory framework on AI (Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (COM(2021) 206 final)) for the benefit of the European e...
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Expected Impact:Outcomes and deliverables
Requirements and mechanisms for the AI-on-demand platform, optimising its services on the basis of users’ needs and strengthening the AI developers’ community, to support wide uptake of trustworthy AI “made in Europe”.
Objective:The objective of this support action is to prepare the development of the AI-on-demand platform described above, in order to optimise its design and maximise its impact.
Scope:The project will define the requirements and mechanisms for the AI-on-demand platform in order to:
support the implementation of the Adopt AI programme which supports the procurement of AI systems for public administrations (Proposed in the White Paper on AI).serve the needs of both public administrations as well as the user industry, in particular SMEs, addressing the major industrial sectors in Europe, with high potential for large scale deploymentbest support the wide uptake of trustworthy AI “made in Europe”, in line with AI regulatory framework on AI (Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (COM(2021) 206 final)) for the benefit of the European economy, society and also addressing environmental challengesInterconnect with the cloud for computing requirements and with the data spacesInterconnect with the Testing and Experimentation Facilities, and the Digital Innovation Hubs To this end, the funded activities will:
Collect and consolidate the requirements and needs, mobilising a wide community of relevant stakeholders such as representatives of public administrations, businesses (in particular SMEs and start-ups) and technical experts, in key sectors, including through the European Digital Innovation Hubs. The requirements should be prioritised on the basis of their related impact in terms of potential for large scale deployment, social, economic and environmental impacts.Provide a mapping of existing AI tools, incl. AI solutions already procured by public administrations in Member States, and identify gaps and future needs. This work should build on the information provided by relevant analyses and projects (Such as AI4EU and analyses of the use of AI in public administration).Define mechanisms to guarantee that the resources that would be made available and deployed on the AI platform under topic are trustworthy and “made in Europe”. This should take into account requirements stemming from the (future) AI regulatory framework, including the voluntary self-regulatory schemes. The platform to be deployed under should then develop a service for the implementation of such mechanism.Propose and prepare an instrument for long-term sustainability of the platform; this may include the development of an underlying Foundation/association, a solid business and governance model. Define, in collaboration with the relevant actions funded under the Specific Objective 2 of the Digital Europe Programme, technical mechanisms and governance to ensure seamless interaction between the AI-on-demand platform with the underlying necessary resources, such as the data spaces and the Cloud-to–edge and HPC resources developed in this programme.Define mechanisms to engage with the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), to connect to stakeholders, provide them with the AI resources, and implement a train-the-trainer programme about the use of AI for digital transformation.
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