Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2023-05-03

Mostrando 1 al 20 de 23 resultados
ELECTROLIFE: ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE ON COMPREHENSIVE ELECTROLYSERS TECHNOLOGIES DEGRADATION THROUGH MODELING TESTING... The ELECTROLIFE project aims to be a booster to enable the use of green hydrogen technologies to support decarbonization of European global...
2023-12-06 - 2028-12-31 | Financiado
HYGHER: HYdroGen High pressure supply chain for innovative and cost Efficient distRibution HYGHER HYGHER aims to improve gaseous hydrogen delivery infrastructure for hydrogen mobility, developing innovative solutions and integratin...
2023-11-24 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
H2tALENT: Alentejo Green Hydrogen Valley delivering integrated full chain sustainable hydrogen ecosystem with... H2tALENT launches a flagship Hydrogen Valley in Alentejo-PT to consolidate the strong investment in place and boost the penetration of green...
2024-02-28 - 2029-02-28 | Financiado
X-SEED: eXperimental Supercritical ElEctrolyser Development X-SEED aims at developing an innovative alkaline membrane-less electrolyzer that works at supercritical water conditions (>374°C; >220 bar)...
2023-12-13 - 2027-06-30 | Financiado
REDHY: REDOX MEDIATED ECONOMIC CRITICAL RAW MATERIAL FREE LOW CAPEX AND HIGHLY EFFICIENT GREEN HYDROGEN P... The REDHy project tackles the limitations of contemporary electrolyser technologies by fundamentally reimagining water electrolysis, allowin...
2023-12-11 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
HyCoFlex: Hydrogen for Cogeneration in Flexible operation HyCoFlex is aiming at the development of a retrofitable decarbonisation package for cogeneration of power and industrial heat with 100%-fire...
2024-01-25 - 2026-10-31 | Financiado
Hy-SPIRE: Hydrogen production by innovative solid oxide cell for flexible operation at intermediate temperatur... According to long-term goals of EU, renewable hydrogen will become an energy vector for decarbonisation of the EU economy. The technology of...
2024-01-31 - 2027-01-31 | Financiado
NHyRA: pre Normative Research on Hydrogen Releases Assessment "How much hydrogen (H2) is released from the value chain? To answer the question is very challenging since insufficient and, when available,...
2023-12-17 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
HyAcademy.EU: The European Hydrogen Academy HyAcademy.EU will capitalise on the investments already made by the European Commission and Member States in education and training activiti...
2023-12-08 - 2028-06-30 | Financiado
DelHyVEHR: Delivery of liquid Hydrogen for Various Environment at High Rate Liquid hydrogen is a key solution to enable strong carbon reduction for energy, chemical and mobility industries. If technologies are mature...
2023-12-08 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
NICOLHy: Novel Insulation Concepts For LH2 Storage Tanks The NICOLHy project aims to develop novel insulation concepts based on Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) that enables the safe, cost- and energ...
2023-11-24 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
CONVEY: nordiC hydrOgen eNergy VallEY The overall objective of the Nordic hydrogen energy valley (CONVEY) project is to establish and demonstrate a hydrogen closed-loop ecosystem...
2024-02-09 - 2029-02-28 | Financiado
H2MARINE: Hydrogen PEM fuel cell stack for marine applications The overarching objective of the H2MARINE project is to design, build, test and validate two (2) PEM stacks generating 250 - 300 kW electric...
2023-12-05 - 2027-06-30 | Financiado
CLEANER: Clean Heat and Power from Hydrogen Achieving the European Green Deal target of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 will require deep cuts to emissions...
2023-12-08 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
IMAGHyNE: IMAGHYNE INVESTMENT TO MAXIMISE THE AMBITION FOR GREEN HYDROGEN IN EUROPE IMAGHyNE will pave the way for the deployment of a large-scale renewable hydrogen (H2) economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, fully int...
2023-12-19 - 2029-12-31 | Financiado
FrHyGe: Full qualification in France of large scale HYdrogen underground storage and replication from German... If the solution for integration of intermittent renewable sources to decarbonate the industry and mobility is hydrogen, for example with Eur...
2024-03-14 - 2029-02-28 | Financiado
ACHIEVE: Advancing the Combustion of Hydrogen AmmonIa blEnds for improVed Emissions and stability To mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas on the environment and climate, the gas turbine power generation industry must rapidly reduce its e...
2023-12-05 - 2027-06-30 | Financiado
ECOHYDRO: ECONOMIC MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF RECYCLABLE COMPOSITE MATERIALS FOR DURABLE HYDROGEN STORAGE ECOHYDRO aims to develop a new energy efficient filament winding process of hydrogen storage tanks using recyclable materials. We will impro...
2023-12-11 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
PilgrHYm: PRE NORMATIVE RESEARCH ON INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT PROTOCOLS OF GAS PIPES REPURPOSED TO HYDROGEN AND MIT... Transporting natural gas through pipelines has been shown to be safe and efficient for decades. However, decarbonizing the European industry...
2023-11-24 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
AEMELIA: Anionic Exchange Membrane water ELectrolysis for highLY efficIenTcy sustAinable and clean Hydrogen... AEMELIA accepts the challenge to design and prototype AEMEL that meets and surpasses Hydrogen Europe’s 2030 targets for performance, durabil...
2023-12-06 - 2027-02-28 | Financiado