Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02

COMBINE-CT: Combining CT diagnostic data and interventional approaches for futureproof cardiology care PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NEDERLAND BV tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage "Coronary artery disease (CAD) is caused by the pathological process in which fat, cholesterol and calcium accumulate on the arterial wall....
2023-10-27 - 2027-10-31 | Financiado
PaLaDIn: Patient Lifestyle and Disease Data Interactium PARENT PROJECT APS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage Neuromuscular disease is at the forefront of collecting real-world demographic and clinically-relevant data from patients.PaLaDIn, a public...
2024-01-01 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
AD-RIDDLE: REAL-WORLD IMPLEMENTATION, DEPLOYMENT AND VALIDATION OF EARLY DETECTION TOOLS AND LIFESTYLE ENHANCEM... REGION STOCKHOLM tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD), the main cause of dementia, is one of the major global health challenges of our time. This disabling disorder affe...
2024-01-01 - 2028-12-31 | Financiado
EDENT1FI: European action for the Diagnosis of Early Non-clinical Type 1 diabetes For disease Interception KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage EDENT1FI is a unique and timely project building and operationalising an open platform for general population screening of children/adolesce...
2023-11-01 - 2028-10-31 | Financiado
SASICU: Improving patient outcomes and reducing cognitive load of clinical staff in intensive care through m... DRAGERWERK AG CO KGAA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage Over the decades, technical developments have resulted in a variety of different medical devices that dominate today's intensive care work e...
2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30 | Financiado
GRIPonMASH: GRIP on MASH: Global Research Initiative for Patient Screening on MASH UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM UTRECHT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage GRIP on MASH will address the unmet public health need of reducing disease burden and comorbidities associated with Metabolic dysfunction-As...
2023-12-01 - 2027-11-30 | Financiado