Innovating Works
Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
Sólo fondo perdido 102M €
Esta convocatoria está abierta temporalmente Convocatoria de ayuda abierta temporalmente del 23-01-2025 hasta el 23-06-2025.
Presentación: Consorcio Consorcio: Esta ayuda está diseñada para aplicar a ella en formato consorcio..
Esta ayuda financia Proyectos: Objetivo del proyecto:

Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

For supported doctoral candidates or postdoctoral researchers

Deeper and more diverse set of research-related and transferable skills and competences;Improved employability and career prospects both within academia and beyond;New mind-sets and approaches to R&I work forged through international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary experience;Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, as well as with the general public that will increase and broaden the research and innovation impact. For participating organisations

Enhanced quality and sustainability of research training;Increased global attractiveness, visibility and reputation of the participating organisation(s);Stronger R&I capacity and output among participating organisations;Increased contribution of the participating organisations to the local, regional and/or national socio-economic ecosystems;Regular feedback of research results into teaching and education at participating organisations. Scope:Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or... ver más

Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

For supported doctoral candidates or postdoctoral researchers

Deeper and more diverse set of research-related and transferable skills and competences;Improved employability and career prospects both within academia and beyond;New mind-sets and approaches to R&I work forged through international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary experience;Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, as well as with the general public that will increase and broaden the research and innovation impact. For participating organisations

Enhanced quality and sustainability of research training;Increased global attractiveness, visibility and reputation of the participating organisation(s);Stronger R&I capacity and output among participating organisations;Increased contribution of the participating organisations to the local, regional and/or national socio-economic ecosystems;Regular feedback of research results into teaching and education at participating organisations. Scope:Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programmes with an impact on the enhancement of human resources in R&I at regional, national or international level. These programmes will be co-funded by MSCA COFUND.

Proposed programmes can cover any research disciplines ("bottom-up"), but exceptionally can also focus on specific disciplines, notably when they are based on national or regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 strategies). In this case, the range of covered disciplines should allow reasonable flexibility for the researchers to define their topic.

Funding synergies with Cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) are strongly encouraged[1],[2].

A Career Development Plan must be jointly established by the supervisor and each recruited researcher upon recruitment. In addition to research objectives, this Plan comprises the researcher's training and career needs, including training on transferable skills, teaching, planning for publications and participation in conferences and events aimed at opening science and research to citizens. The Plan must be established at the beginning of the recruitment and should be revised (and updated where needed) within 18 months.

COFUND takes the form of:

A) Doctoral programmes

Doctoral programmes offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences. They will lead to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. The training activities should be based on the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training.

Substantial training modules, including digital ones, addressing key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, fostering good scientific conduct such as research integrity, and fostering the culture of Open Science, innovation and entrepreneurship will be supported. They will include, inter alia, training on the use of collaborative tools and approaches, opening access to publications and to other research outputs including data, FAIR data management, societal engagement and citizen science.

On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Collaboration with a wider set of associated partners, including from the non-academic sector, will be positively taken into account during the evaluation. These organisations may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training modules in research or transferable skills.

Particular attention is paid to the quality of supervision and mentoring arrangements as well as career guidance. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS[3] website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published.

B) Postdoctoral Programmes

Postdoctoral Programmes fund individual advanced research training and career development fellowships for postdoctoral researchers. The programmes should offer training to develop key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, foster good scientific conduct such as research integrity, foster innovation and entrepreneurship and promote and (where appropriate) reward Open Science practices (open access to publications and to other research outputs including data, FAIR data management, societal engagement and citizen science, etc.).

Postdoctoral Programmes should have regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates, allowing fair competition between researchers. The selection procedure for postdoctoral candidates must be open, competitive, merit-based and with a transparent international peer review, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published.

On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Researchers will be able to freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organisation to host them, fitting their individual needs.


[2] The Recovery and Resilience Facility supports reforms and investments undertaken by Member States. The aim is to mitigate the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions.


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Temáticas Obligatorias del proyecto: Temática principal:

Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
Tipo y tamaño de organizaciones: El diseño de consorcio necesario para la tramitación de esta ayuda necesita de:

Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: Duración:
Requisitos técnicos: Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
Capítulos financiables: Los capítulos de gastos financiables para esta línea son:
Personnel costs.
Purchase costs.
Subcontracting costs.
Otros Gastos.
Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 5:. Los componentes se integran de forma que la configuración del sistema coincida con la aplicación final en casi todos los aspectos. Se prueba el rendimiento en un entorno operativo simulado. La diferencia principal con el TRL 4 es el aumento a una fidelidad media y la aplicación al entorno real. + info.
TRL esperado:

Características de la financiación

Intensidad de la ayuda: Sólo fondo perdido + info
Fondo perdido:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Para el presupuesto subvencionable la intensidad de la ayuda en formato fondo perdido podrá alcanzar como minimo un 100%.
General conditions General conditions
1. Admissibility conditions: described in Annex A and Annex E of the Horizon Europe Work Programme General Annexes
Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System
2. Eligible countries: described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes
A number of non-EU/non-Associated Countries that are not automatically eligible for funding have made specific provisions for making funding available for their participants in Horizon Europe projects. See the information in the Horizon Europe Programme Guide.
3. Other eligibility conditions: described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes
4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion: described in Annex C of the Work Programme General Annexes
Award criteria, scoring and thresholds are described in Annex D of the Work Programme General Annexes
Submission and evaluation processes are described in Annex F of the Work Programme General Annexes and the Online Manual
Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement: described in Annex F of the Work Programme General Annexes
6. Legal and financial set-up of the grants: described in Annex G of the Work Programme General Annexes
Specific conditions
7. Specific conditions: described in the MSCA part of the Work Programme
DocumentsCall doc...
General conditions General conditions
1. Admissibility conditions: described in Annex A and Annex E of the Horizon Europe Work Programme General Annexes
Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System
2. Eligible countries: described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes
A number of non-EU/non-Associated Countries that are not automatically eligible for funding have made specific provisions for making funding available for their participants in Horizon Europe projects. See the information in the Horizon Europe Programme Guide.
3. Other eligibility conditions: described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes
4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion: described in Annex C of the Work Programme General Annexes
Award criteria, scoring and thresholds are described in Annex D of the Work Programme General Annexes
Submission and evaluation processes are described in Annex F of the Work Programme General Annexes and the Online Manual
Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement: described in Annex F of the Work Programme General Annexes
6. Legal and financial set-up of the grants: described in Annex G of the Work Programme General Annexes
Specific conditions
7. Specific conditions: described in the MSCA part of the Work Programme
DocumentsCall documents:
Standard application form — call-specific application form is available in the Submission System
Standard application form (HE MSCA COFUND)
Standard evaluation form — will be used with the necessary adaptations
Standard evaluation form (HE MSCA)
HE Unit MGA v1.0
Call-specific instructions
MSCA COFUND 2025 Guide for Applicants
Additional documents:
HE Main Work Programme 2023–2024 – 1. General Introduction
HE Main Work Programme 2023–2024 – 2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
HE Main Work Programme 2023–2024 – 13. General Annexes
HE Programme Guide
HE Specific Programme Decision 2021/764
EU Financial Regulation
Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and Financial Capacity Assessment
EU Grants AGA — Annotated Model Grant Agreement
Funding & Tenders Portal Online Manual
Funding & Tenders Portal Terms and Conditions
Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement
No exige Garantías
No existen condiciones financieras para el beneficiario.

Información adicional de la convocatoria

Efecto incentivador: Esta ayuda tiene efecto incentivador, por lo que el proyecto no puede haberse iniciado antes de la presentación de la solicitud de ayuda. + info.
Respuesta Organismo: Se calcula que aproximadamente, la respuesta del organismo una vez tramitada la ayuda es de:
Meses de respuesta:
Muy Competitiva:
No Competitiva Competitiva Muy Competitiva
El presupuesto total de la convocatoria asciende a
Presupuesto total de la convocatoria.
Minimis: Esta línea de financiación NO considera una “ayuda de minimis”. Puedes consultar la normativa aquí.

Otras ventajas

Sello PYME: Tramitar esta ayuda con éxito permite conseguir el sello de calidad de “sello pyme innovadora”. Que permite ciertas ventajas fiscales.
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported doctoral candidates or postdoctoral r...
Abierta | Desde 23-01-2025 Hasta el 23-06-2025