Scope:European Industrial Doctorates (EID)
EIDs have the objective of training highly-skilled researchers and stimulating entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in Europe. This is to be achieved in particular by involving the non-academic sector in doctoral training so that skills better match public and private sector needs. Each EID is composed of at least two beneficiaries established in two different Member States or Associated Countries. At least one beneficiary must be entitled to award doctoral degrees (*) and at least one beneficiary must come from the non-academic sector, primarily enterprise. Each participating researcher must be enrolled in a doctoral programme and spend at least 50% of their time in the non-academic sector. The joint supervision of fellows by supervisors from each sector is mandatory. A wider set of partner organisations may also complement the training.
Note that EID proposals will be ranked in a separate panel with a dedicated budget of €25.5 million.
(*) Doctoral degrees have to be recognised as such by the relevant authorities of the country or countries concerned.
Características del consorcio
Características del Proyecto
Características de la financiación
Información adicional de la convocatoria
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