Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-06

ENFLATE: ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies NOVA TELECOMMUNICATIONS MEDIA SINGLE MEMBER SA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 The European Commission’s policy framework (i.e., Clean Energy Package, FiT 55) seeks to decarbonise the energy system, encouraging the elec...
2022-08-23 - 2026-08-31 | Financiado
STREAM: Streaming flexibility to the power system UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 The ambition of the STREAM project (STREAM) is the creation of an innovative and robust flexibility ecosystem (STREAM Ecosystem) on the low...
2022-08-26 - 2026-09-30 | Financiado