Scope: Detailed descriptions can be found in the ECS SRIA2023.
Aspects of ECS value chain integration are important for the KDT programme and the whole European ECS sector, across applications and across capabilities. Consortia are encouraged to submit proposals that take this aspect into account.
Proposals that cut across disciplines, support platform building, interoperability, establishment of open standards are particularly encouraged; even outside the regular ECS sector.
Proposals shall encourage SMEs to participate in the developments, in particular paying attention to the needs of SMEs, involve SMEs in project execution, and develop solutions that can be taken up and/or exploited by SMEs
Proposals shall attempt to establish links with other projects and consortia from the Horizon Europe family (within cluster 4 or in other clusters) working on topics related to the proposal.
Note that National priorities may be applicable to specific topics (refer to Annex 4 “COUNTRY SPECIFIC ELIGIBILITY RULES” ).
Características del consorcio
Características del Proyecto
Características de la financiación
Información adicional de la convocatoria
Otras ventajas