Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-05

ALMASI: Aligning and Mutualizing Nonprofit Open Access Publishing Services Internationally ALMASI The objective of ALMASI is to provide the research community with an aligned, nonprofit, high-quality, and sustainable scholarly communicati...
2024-10-25 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
SEE-ERA: Transforming R I organisations and advancing the ERA through gender equality and inclusiveness in SE... The SEE-ERA project aims at driving a structural change process through the sustainable transformation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in f...
2024-09-20 - 2028-01-31 | Financiado
HDHL F4H: HDHL Food4Health HDHL Food4Health addresses the intertwined challenges of food and diet-related Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Climate Change by foster...
2024-09-25 - 2028-12-31 | Financiado
IP4OS: IP4OS Unpacking the possibilities of Intellectual Properties for Open Science The main aim of IP4OS is social innovation: to empower multi-professional teams and their organisations in each of the 27 European countries...
2024-09-25 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
GEPINC: Gender Equality Plans for INclusivity engines of Change Gender Equality Plans (GEP) have fostered equality of opportunity for women in European Research and Innovation Organisations (RIO). Nonethe...
2024-09-27 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
INCLUDE: Fostering INCLUsive biomeDicine gEps in research and higher education institutions The BioMedical Research and Innovation (R&I) sector is characterised by specific challenges, emphasising the need for intersectional gender...
2024-09-26 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
RESKILLSPAN: SKILLSPAN TRAINING FOR IMPACTFUL RESEARCH CAREERS ReSkillSpan aims to maximise the impact of the European R&I system by equipping researchers of all career stages with skills needed for impa...
2024-10-14 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
TRUSTparency: Increasing reproducibility through the co creation of interventions that support a transparent and t... TRUSTparency starts from the assumption that what scientists need to trust is that the Mertonian process of organised scepticism can operate...
2024-10-04 - 2028-01-31 | Financiado
RM Framework: RM Framework Creating a European Framework for Research Management Training and Networking EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH MANAGERS AND ADMINISTRATORS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01 RM Framework endeavors to strongly enhance research management within the ERA and beyond by fostering clarity, interoperability, and sustain...
2024-10-08 - 2027-01-31 | Financiado