ExpectedOutcome:Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Further increase the visibility of and access to European arts and culture internationally.Develop and test pilot solutions based on a model that will allow cooperation between local, national and European level and establish strategic alliances between art and cultural sectors and with other sectors.Assess the effectiveness of good practices, programmes and policies that promote the EU priorities, culture and fundamental values abroad.Strengthen the CCIs presence worldwide by promoting the European arts internationally.
Scope:The European Union should endeavour to use its cultural and creative assets to better assert its influence around the world. The arts can play an important role on building the contemporary image of the EU by increasing the visibility of the European identity, cultural heritage and the promotion of its values. In addition to the cultural benefits, the increased visibility of European arts and culture abroad can foster a sustainable and inclusive local, regional and national development and growth, including the growth of the cultural and creative industr...
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ExpectedOutcome:Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Further increase the visibility of and access to European arts and culture internationally.Develop and test pilot solutions based on a model that will allow cooperation between local, national and European level and establish strategic alliances between art and cultural sectors and with other sectors.Assess the effectiveness of good practices, programmes and policies that promote the EU priorities, culture and fundamental values abroad.Strengthen the CCIs presence worldwide by promoting the European arts internationally.
Scope:The European Union should endeavour to use its cultural and creative assets to better assert its influence around the world. The arts can play an important role on building the contemporary image of the EU by increasing the visibility of the European identity, cultural heritage and the promotion of its values. In addition to the cultural benefits, the increased visibility of European arts and culture abroad can foster a sustainable and inclusive local, regional and national development and growth, including the growth of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs), while influence countries outside the EU on important societal issues, such as the protection of the environment, peace and security, migration, gender equality, justice, or freedom of expression.
However, when it comes to the presentation of the European traditional arts and culture abroad there is still lack of cooperation between national and European level. Even though there is a lot of funded research on the benefits of the European arts and culture and the ways to increase their visibility, the EU does not yet have an aligned vision and approach on how to promote the European values and identities through arts and meet common goals on behalf of the EU.
The objective of this innovation proposal is to test existing practices and policies that enable arts and culture to promote European values and identities outside Europe, allowing people to experience European arts, culture and traditions both in their original environments and settings and by visiting the rich European cultural landscapes. It also aims to identify potential existing barriers and propose a mixed model for cooperation that will take into account participation at the local, national and regional level and the coordination of different sectors and stakeholders. In this analysis, the presence of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) should be considered.
Building on existing evidence, including from projects funded under topic HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-02, proposals should identify creative practices, policies and programmes that aim to increase the attractiveness of the European arts (including digital arts) and culture abroad. They should collect good innovative practices developed at the EU and national level and develop small-scale pilots that will test their efficiency. Proposals should identify and analyse the barriers, shortcomings and needs of the existing policies and practicities and propose policy recommendations for improvements.
In this context, the proposals should also analyse the extent to which the existing practices and policies encourage coordination among countries as well as coordination among bodies at regional and local levels as well as the role and support of the EU on the cooperation and harmonisation of the Member States’ actions, as regards the of European arts’ promotion abroad.
The proposals may also look after the potential impacts of new regulations on the arts sector, including the copyright Directive that was adopted in March of 2019, and evaluate their effectiveness as regards their international access to European works of arts and performing arts.
The proposals should propose pilot policy solutions based on a mixed model that will allow cooperation at local, national and European level, better cooperation of the art sectors and the CCIs, while establish strategic alliances with other sectors.
The proposed mixed model should be developed and tested in wide and diversified partnerships of stakeholders. The proposals should develop policy recommendations for integrating this innovative mixed model into the arts policies.
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